The Labex Who Am I? co-funds the “Rhythms and resonances: coming into contact with otherness” workshop.

© Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Interdisciplinary doctoral workshop
The “Rhythms and resonances: coming into contact with otherness” workshop will be held from May 24 to May 26, 2024, in Quincerot, Côte d’Or, France.
It is co-organized by Dominique Mazeas (associate professor, CRPMS, Université Paris Cité) et Derek Humphreys (professor, “Centre d’Études du Vivant” director, CRPMS, Université Paris Cité).
The aim of the workshop would be to develop a tool capable of mobilising our attention to certain aspects of our body, space, time, objects and people who also occupy the space we share, in order to open ourselves up to an encounter with otherness beyond the intelligible and logical aspects, in an approach close to that of Stimmung (Freud) or the notions of ambience (Oury, Bégout) or milieu (Deligny). Musicians from the ‘D’un instant à l’autre’ company will be offering us melodic forms conducive to daydreaming, to help us develop a specific relationship with intimacy, by making our bodies available to perceive inner and outer space, listening to individual and collective rhythms, shared impulses and bursts of movement. The presentations of the research topics of the participants in this workshop will be organised around these moments of work on space, rhythms, sound and bodily perceptions, and will enable us to form a working group intended to find continuity through a monthly seminar and a joint publication of this experience.
PhD students, young researchers and practitioners from all disciplines who are currently working on the difficulties of encountering otherness in the field of psychiatric suffering (psychosis, autism, melancholia), drug addiction, exclusion associated with extreme poverty and migration/exile, lgbtqia+ issues, racialisation phenomena, situations of imprisonment and confinement, clinical practices in the field of somatic pathologies, intensive care or terminal illness are invited to communicate in the framework of this workshop and to benefit from this training experience.
Paper proposals must be written in French AND English in Word format in a document of no more than 7,000 characters including spaces (3,500 characters appx for each version) and must be received by 25 March at the latest. They will be examined by a multidisciplinary scientific committee composed of members of the board of the Centre d’Etudes du Vivant. They should be sent to the following address :
More information: Workshop Call
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