Since 2020, the Labex Who Am I? brings together all the teams from 7 partner structures: the Psychoanalysis, Medicine and Society Research Center (CRPMS), the Cochin Institute, the Institute of History and Philosophy of Sciences and Techniques (IHPST), the Jacques Monod Institute, the Matter and Complex Systems laboratory (MSC), the Epigenetics and Cell Fate unit, and the Science, Philosophy, and History unit (SPHERE).

Epigenetics and Cell Fate unit
The Epigenetics and Cell Fate unit is a multidisciplinary research center, founded in 2009 on the Paris Rive-Gauche campus, under the supervision of the CNRS and Université Paris Cité. It is composed of seven teams conducting research focused on the importance of epigenetic regulations in determining cell fate and differentiation programs in mammals, under normal and pathological conditions.

Jacques Monod Institute
The Jacques Monod Institute, a joint research unit of the CNRS and Université Paris Cité, is one of the main centers for fundamental research in biology in the Paris region. Composed of around thirty teams, its research is organized into three themes: Dynamics of the genome and chromosomes, Cell dynamics and signalling, Development and evolution; and two transversal axes: Quantitative biology and modelling, Molecular and cellular pathologies.

Cochin Institute
The Cochin Institute is a fundamental biology research center dedicated to human pathology, under the joint supervision of INSERM, CNRS and Université Paris Cité. Bringing together more than 35 research teams, it is organized into three scientific departments: Development, Reproduction, Cancer; Endocrinology, Metabolism, Diabetes; and Infection, Immunity, Inflammation.

Matter and Complex Systems laboratory
The Matter and Complex Systems laboratory strives to understand and describe the functioning of complex systems with an interdisciplinary perspective, and experimental and theoretical approaches. Under the supervision of the CNRS and Université Paris Cité, it brings together physicists, chemists and biologists. The study of living systems at scales, from the molecule to the organism, is one of the major themes of the laboratory.

Psychoanalysis, Medicine and Society Research Center
Founded in 2001, the Psychoanalysis, Medicine and Society Research Center is interested in the complementarity between medicine and psychoanalysis because of their common history and developments in contemporary practices. Under the supervision of Université Paris Cité and consisting of about thirty people, this center organizes its research around 3 axes: Medicalization in civilization: psychic effect of medical and psychiatric practices, Subject and social transformations, and Psychopathology and psychoanalysis of all ages.

Institute of History and Philosophy of Science and Techniques
The Institute of History and Philosophy of Science and Techniques is a joint research unit in the philosophy of science. It is supervised by the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the CNRS. The research programs of the IHPST relate mainly to the history and philosophy of medicine, biology and physics; the history and philosophy of logic, mathematics and computer science; and the history and general philosophy of science and techniques.

Sciences, Philosophy, History unit
The Sciences, Philosophy, History unit was created in 2009 from the merger of two units: CHSPAM (Center for the History of Arab and Medieval Sciences and Philosophies, former UMR 7062) and REHSEIS (Epistemological and Historical Research on Exact Sciences and Scientific Institutions). Under the supervision of the CNRS, and the universities of Paris and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, the aim of the unit is to contribute to the understanding of the forms of rational activity, in a broad sense of what, over the years and according to the cultural areas, could be conceived as such.