Visites !nsolites
Live a surprising and unforgettable experience with science!
© CNRS – Centre national de la recherche scientifique
Organoids: mini-organs that grow in the laboratory
The visit will be held in French.
Take part in a journey around organoids with the Epigenetics and Cell Fate (EDC) laboratory and the Jacques Monod Institute’s teams. After a presentation of the Labex, the place (EDC laboratory), and a short introduction to the concepts of stem cells, organoids, and the recently awarded Nobel Prize-winning CRISPR technology (30-45min), visitors will be able to discover organoids through 3 workshops (3 visitors/group, 30min / workshop): 2 workshops will take place in cell culture rooms to follow the different stages of the creation of organoids, the third workshop will be devoted to the observation of organoid sections under a fluorescence microscope.
To try to win your places for this unique immersion in a research laboratory, only two possibilities:
– Saturday, October 2, morning session (10 am-12.30 pm): https://visitesinsolites.cnrs.fr/visite/organoides-des-mini-organes-qui-poussent-en-laboratoire/
– Saturday, October 2, afternoon session (2 pm-4.30 pm): https://visitesinsolites.cnrs.fr/visite/organoides-des-mini-organes-qui-poussent-en-laboratoire-2/
Other “Visites !nsolites” organized by the Labex’ partners:
– Cochin Institute: https://visitesinsolites.cnrs.fr/visite/recherche-biomedicale-plongee-au-coeur-des-cellules-1/
– Jacques Monod Institute: https://visitesinsolites.cnrs.fr/visite/la-glue-naturelle-des-drosophiles/
Even more “Visites !nsolites” on the event website: https://visitesinsolites.cnrs.fr/
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