- « Epigenetic regulation of filamentation in C.albicans: a top-down proteomics study« , Nicolas SENECAUT, doctorant (4ème année), IJM
- « Effect of the Substrate Stiffness on the Self-Organization of the Intestinal Epithelial Stem Cell Niche« , Barbara MERCIER, doctorante (4ème année), IJM
- « The role of mechanics and single cell polarity during the emergence of motion in collective cell migration« , Victor CELLERIN, doctorant (4ème année), IJM
- « Control of myoblast cell-cell fusion« , Kassandra KOBON, doctorante (4ème année), Institut Cochin
- « Establishment of T lymphocyte asymmetry upon chemokine stimulation« , Morgane SIMAO, doctorante (4ème année), Institut Cochin
- « Bulk Cytoplasm Material Properties and Mitotic Spindle Positioning« , Jing XIE, post-doctorante, IJM
- « Role of LRRFIP2 during heart development and in hypoxia regulation during embryogenesis« , Laura BEN DRISS, post-doctorante, Institut Cochin
- « Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of transcription termination by the RNA polymerase III« , Juanjuan XIE, post-doctorante, IJM
- « Role of Axine 1 on the intestinal epithelium homeostasis« , Romain SANSON, post-doctorant, Institut Cochin
- « Actin filament bundling tunes disassembly by cofilin« , Jahnavi CHIKIREDDY, post-doctorante, IJM
- « Small non-coding RNAs of intron origin: new key players of muscle identity and fate« , Baptiste BOGARD, post-doctorant, EDC
- « The epistemic and ontological value of stochasticity in cells stress response. The case of alternative start-codon selection« , Marco CASALI, post-doctorant, IHPST
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