Through its Visiting Researchers Program, Université Paris Cité annually supports its faculty members and partner universities’ scholars by funding the invitation of international peers for high-level collaborative projects.

Jean-François Cottier, professor of Latin language and literature at the Literature, Arts and Cinema School of UPCité, hosted Eric MacPhail, professor at Indiana University in the United States of America and a specialist in the Renaissance, as part of the Université Paris Cité 2022 Visiting Researchers Program.

Program Objectives:

Within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Visiting Researchers Program, open to all geographical areas, aims to foster sustainable collaborations with the following objectives:

  • Encourage Specific Partnerships: By supporting initiatives from the departments and laboratories of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the program seeks to strengthen links between Université Paris Cité and international institutions.
  • Develop International Scientific Networks: As part of a broader scientific internationalization policy, the program contributes to diversifying and expanding geographical and disciplinary collaborations.
  • Enhance Scientific Mobility: Thanks to a dedicated budget, the university facilitates the travel and hosting of international researchers, thus enriching the intercultural dimension of research projects within the Faculty.
Who Can Participate?

The Visiting Researcher: A faculty member (post-doc researcher or professor) from a foreign institution.

The Host Researcher: a teacher-researcher or researcher employed by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Université Paris Cité and affiliated with either an independent research unit (URP) of Université Paris Cité or a joint research unit (UMR) under its supervision.

The invitation is based on a collaborative project between the visiting researcher and the host researcher or a partnership between their respective institutions.

When Does the Stay Take Place?

Duration: The stay of a visiting researcher can last 15 days maximum (extendable up to 45 days in case of co-funding)

Timeframes: The visit can occur either between January and July, or between September and December of the calendar year following the program application.

How Does the Program Work?

Funding: Travel expenses and a per diem for living expenses are covered by Université Paris Cité.

Status of Visitors: All visiting researchers are welcomed as research fellows, in accordance with the regulations at Université Paris Cité.

Application Process

The application and selection process takes place from February to June 2025. The application documents are available here.

To apply, a member of UPCité must submit the project. Therefore, we kindly encourage you to get in touch with your colleagues from UPCité before applying.

For any additional information or assistance with establishing contacts, feel free to contact us at the following email address:



Nathalie Blanc, geographer, writer and Director of the Earth Politics Center hosted Nathan Marom, urban researcher and senior lecturer from the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya near Tel Aviv, Israel.

Jean-François Cottier, Professor at Université Paris Cité hosted Professor Eric MacPhail from Indiana University based in Bloomington, United States. Our two researchers are Erasmus specialists, a Dutch humanist and one of the greatest thinkers of the Renaissance.