Administrative Team
The administrative team comprises five units that cover all the activities within the Faculty (research, training, faculty life, development and partnerships, and financial management) and two cross-functional divisions.

The headquarters of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is located at 2 rue Valette, in the 5th arrondissement of Paris.
Managing Director: Julien Rey
Deputy Director, Cross-functional Divisions: Franck Jankowiak
Research Unit
- Department of Partnerships and Promotion
- Department of Project Management
- Department of Doctoral Development
Training Unit
- Department of Program Management
- Department of Guidance and Career Placement
- Department of Study Management Tools and Processes
- Department of French Literature and Social Sciences
Faculty Life Unit
- Department of Administrative Initiatives and Faculty Life Management
- Department of The Observatory and Statistics
- Department of Risk Prevention
- Department of Technical and Logistical Infrastructure
Development and Partnerships Unit
- Department of Professional Training and Partnerships (contact)
- Continuing Education Resource Center
- Department of International Relations
Financial Management Unit
- Human Resources Department
- Budget Department
- Financial Resources Center