Unit of Functional and Adaptive Biology

Tutelles : Université Paris Cité, CNRS
Label unité : UMR 8251
Partenaires : INSERM
General overview
The Unit of Functional and Adaptive Biology (BFA) is one of the Research Units present on the Campus des Grands Moulins of Université Paris Cité (Faculty of Sciences). The BFA unit conducts research in Integrative Biology. The unit, UMR 8251 CNRS – Université Paris Cité, is composed of 8 research teams among which, 2 constitute the ERL INSERM U1133. BFA comprises 48 researchers (16) with teaching duties and full time researchers (32), 4 clinicians and 31 engineers, technicians and administrative assistants. There are also about 30-40 non-permanent staff (PhD students and postdoctoral fellows/contracts) and about 50 trainees. The Director is Jean-Marie Dupret and the deputy director is Joëlle Cohen-Tannoudji, both professors at Université Paris Cité.
Research topics in BFA aim to better understand the biological mechanisms underlying human adaptation to environmental and/or internal perturbations (endocrine, metabolic or genetic inputs) in physiological or pathophysiological contexts. Current research topics include five main scientific domains: Nutrition, Degenerative pathologies and aging, Reproduction, Toxicology, Computational Modeling. Investigations rely on a wide array of methodologies ranging from cellular, biochemical, molecular and computer-based approaches to non-invasive analysis of physiological parameters.
Research topics
- Nutrition
- Degenerative pathologies and aging
- Reproduction
- Toxicology
- Computational Modeling
Research teams
- Nutrition :
Team 1 : Jamileh Movassat (Biology and Pathology of the Endocrine Pancreas)
Team 2 : Christophe Magnan (Regulation of Glycemia by Central Nervous System)
Team 5 : Serge Luquet (Central Control of Feeding Behaviour and Energy Expenditure)
- Reproduction :
Team 3 : Joëlle Cohen-Tannoudji (Physiology of Gonadotrope Axis)
- Degenerative Pathologies and Aging:
Team 4 : Ana Ferreiro (Basic and translational Myology)
Team 7 : Hervé Tricoire (Degenerative Processes, Stress and Aging)
- Toxicology :
Team 6 : Jean-Marie Dupret (Molecular and Cell Responses to Xenobiotics)
- Computational Modeling :
Team 8 : Pierre Tufféry (Computational Modeling of Protein-Ligand Interactions)
« Unité BFA : du projet à l’UMR, une adaptation réussie », publié le 19 mars 2015
Director : Jean-Marie DUPRET
Deputy director : Joëlle COHEN-TANNOUDJI
Administration of the BFA Unit : Françoise CONTAMINA
4, rue Marie-Andrée Lagroua Weill-Hallé
Bâtiment Buffon
75013 PARIS