Our former LIPADE (computer science) PhD student, Qitong Wang (https://qtwang.github.io/), supervised by Prof Themis Palpanas, won the prestigious BDA Best PhD Thesis Award 2024 (https://bdav.irisa.fr/), for his innovative work on Data Series Indexes that Learn. Qitong developed novel machine learning methods that render high-d vector similarity search (a very important and challenging problem) more efficient and scalable. Qitong is now continuing his career as a researcher at Harvard University (USA).

This is the 3nd time that a LIPADE graduate wins this award that recognizes the best PhD PhD Thesis in France in the area of data management. The previous two recipients were Paul Boniol (https://boniolp.github.io/) in 2022, and Michele Linardi (https://www.linkedin.com/in/linardimichele/) in 2019.

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