Junior Research Chair in « Social Inequalities in Maternal Health » for the Women’s Health Atrium
As part of the ExcellenceS program, the Women’s Health Atrium of Université Paris Cité is launching this call for applications to :
• Enable young researchers to set up and lead a group within a French research team affiliated to the Women’s Health Atrium of Université Paris Cité. The purpose of the group thus created will be to reinforce the host team’s research program by developing their own themes independently and collaboratively.
• Promote mobility and attract young top managers.
ExcellenceS – Women’s Health Atrium support is for 3 years.
It is open to young researchers of any nationality. The program is open to all researchers and teacher-researchers, whatever their affiliation, and to non-tenured researchers.

Allocated resources
A total of 360 k€ will be allocated over 3 years, which can be spent on salaries, endowments and equipment. The salary for the non-permanent laureate is included in this budget (depending on experience). If the candidate already holds a position, the budget can be used to recruit staff to support the Chair (post-doc – engineer…). A welcome package of €50k may be offered. Applicants must identify a host team within the Université Paris Cité perimeter, contact researchers from this team before submitting their application, and include a commitment to welcome in their application. The host team, affiliated to the IHM Santé des Femmes (list of affiliated teams at October 13, 2023 attached) must provide the Chairholder with research premises compatible with the ambition of the proposed project (installation costs will be borne by the host team), and ensure access to the site’s technological platforms. The laureate agrees to take up his or her new position no later than November 1, 2024
Scope of the « social inequalities in Maternal Health » Chair
Pregnancy and its immediate consequences represent a window of vulnerability and opportunity for women’s health, both in the short and long term. For several reasons, social inequalities in maternal health represent a particular public health issue, and more broadly, a societal issue. Firstly, because the perinatal period is a time when equal access to healthcare and social protection is considered a societal priority in
most countries. Also, because close contact of women with medical and social services during this period can make it possible to implement interventions to reduce social inequalities in health. Finally, maternal health, through the impact it can have on children’s health, is likely to play a part in the intergenerational transmission of these inequalities.
Key themes
The project presented may address all aspects of maternal health, both physical and mental, in the short or longer term. In particular, it will aim to:
Characterize the dimensions of socio-demographic status associated with poorer maternal health: economic, marital, family and professional status, level of education; geographic origin, migratory status, administrative status; living environment and location.
Understand the mechanisms of social inequalities in maternal health and their reproduction: territorial inequalities in health and access to quality care; health behaviors, health literacy; discrimination in care; capacity to act, gender relations, autonomy; and their interactions.
Assess public policies or interventions aimed at reducing inequalities: emergence of new health systems and players; role of associations and civil society. This objective may involve international comparisons.
Methodological approach
The theme may be addressed using qualitative and/or quantitative methods; mixed approaches are encouraged. Study designs may be observational or interventional, based on data already collected or yet to be collected (feasibility to be demonstrated). An educational project related to the theme of the Chair is not required for this research Chair, but could be an asset.
Eligibility Requirements
- Hold a PhD or equivalent in a field relevant to the Chair’s field
- Minimum of 2 years post-PhD
- No age or nationality requirements
- Fluent in French or English
Selection process
Projects will be evaluated by an independent scientific committee.
Selection will take place in two stages: a pre-selection based on applications
(November 2023), followed by an audition for pre-selected candidates (December
The selection criteria will be as follows
• Quality of the applicant (background and scientific output)
• Scientific quality and feasibility of the project
• Contribution to the Women’s Health Atrium environment: coherence and
added value
Applications files
- Online submission until midnight, October 31st, 2023
- Send to email address:atrium.sante-femmes@u-paris.fr
Must include:
1. Application form completed;
2. Letter of commitment from the intended host research team within the Université
Paris Cité perimeter (affiliated to the IHM Santé des Femmes)
For further information, please contact:atrium.sante-femmes@u-paris.frYou will receive a confirm receipt for your application. If you do not receive confirmation of receipt within 2 days, please return your application.
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