The « UFR Linguistique » combines teaching and research in linguistics in different domains :
- General linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics)
- Fieldwork in linguistics (in particular for African, Afro-Asiatic, and Oriental linguistics)
- Computational linguistics, experimental linguistics, psycholinguistics, French as a Second Language teaching, history of language sciences
Theoretical and experimental approaches are closely interwined. The latter are supported by a high level experimental platform.

Such orientation benefits of several important research laboratories, most of which are joint at CNRS . Research laboratories bring a strong potential of researchers, who take part in the teaching, supervising and administrative tasks of the « UFR » and work as such in close coordination with teachers (« »).
These research laboratories are nationally and internationally recognized and play a role of scientific coordination in their research domain, both as laboratories and through the participation of their members to international networks.
Research laboratories
Histoire des Théories Linguistiques (HTL), UMR (7597) CNRS, ENS Lyon, Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle & Université Paris Cité

LLF (Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle), UMR (7110) CNRS & Université Paris Cité

The Laboratory of Excellence “Empirical Foundations of Linguistics” (Labex-EFL)