Bachelor’s Degrees in Linguistics

Linguistics strives to identify the common properties of languages by studying their formal properties, their history, their diversity, their learning, and their pathologies.

The Science of Language degree (SDL) offered at the University of Paris (Grands Moulins site) is a specialization at the L3 level, entitled “Linguistique Théorique, Expérimentale et Informatique”. It is intended for students wishing to discover the fundamental disciplines of linguistics after a 2nd year of a bachelor’s degree in Linguistics (Japanese, Korean, Chinese, English), Humanities or MIASHS.

This L3 program also comprises courses in mathematics and computer programming, enabling students to pursue a master in Computational Linguistics or in Linguistics, depending on their results and career plans.

Without waiting for the L3, it is possible to discover linguistics by taking the “bilicence lettres et sciences du langage” or by taking discovery courses in L1 and L2.

The program is in direct contact with the most recent research in the field, in interaction with numerous laboratories, some of which are supported by the CNRS.

The L3 in Linguistics on the Grands Moulins Campus is divided into three courses: Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics, Linguistics and French as a Foreign Language, and Computational Linguistics. It is possible to access this L3 after two years of higher education or a preparatory class.

Bachelor’s Degrees specializations

Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics

Structure of the licence

The objective of the L3 Language Sciences course in Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics is to provide an introduction to all the sub-disciplines of linguistics, to acquire the basics of formal linguistics for the analysis of language processes, and to learn experimental methods for the description of such processes (corpus analysis, fieldwork, psycholinguistic experiments).


Computational Linguistics

Structure of the licence

The L3 Language Sciences – Computational Linguistics (LI) program is a multidisciplinary program combining linguistics, mathematics and computer science, in preparation for the Master’s degree in Linguistics – computational linguistics.

Computational linguistics, or Natural Language Processing (NLP), is part of artificial intelligence and refers to the design of computer programs dealing with all aspects of human language, from speech recognition to the analysis of the meaning of a text. Its famous applications are for example machine translation, information retrieval, text generation, chatbots… Natural language processing algorithms can also be used in computational linguistics, with the objective of increasing our knowledge about languages.

French as a Foreign Language

Structure of the licence

The Bachelor’s degree in Language Sciences – Linguistics and French as a Foreign Language prepares students for the Master’s degree in Linguistics Applied to the Didactics of French as a Foreign Language. This course is based on the in-depth linguistic study of the French language, in relation to the analysis of other languages, as well as on the study of the processes that allow it to be transmitted.

The Linguistics and FLE program provides a solid and complete training in the different disciplines of linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics) and, at the same time, training in the field of FLE, by acquiring knowledge of the theoretical approaches and methodological practices underlying the teaching/learning of foreign languages

Before the Bachelor’s Degree

Without waiting for the L3, the doucle bachelor’s degree Lettres-Sciences du langage of the Université Paris Cité, the MIASHS licence (Mathematics, Computer Science and Linguistics) and the linguistics minors allow students to discover the sciences of language from the L1.

Double Bachelor’s Degree Lettres – Sciences du langage

The Bilicence Lettres – Sciences du langage provides a unique training program in the Île-de-France region that enables the acquisition of a solid literary and linguistic culture.

This demanding program provides knowledge and develops a set of analytical and reflective skills applicable to literary works and societies of the past and the contemporary world. It provides a solid competence in the field of the functioning of languages and human language in general.

Bachelor’s Degree MIASHS

The Mathematics and Computer Science degree applied to the Human and Social Sciences at the University of Paris brings together fields from two major sectors: “Science and Technology” and “Social Sciences”. The Mathematics and Computer Science Linguistics (MIL) program provides a balanced training in three disciplinary fields :

  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • Linguistics

Minor in linguistics

It is possible to take a linguistics course : 

  • for students in Arts and Languages (minor L1-L2, LSH Department)
  • for students in Arts and Languages (minor L3, in one of the following departments Anglophone Studies, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, or Literature, Arts, and Cinema)