La semaine du 26 février, l’UFR LCAO accueillera Dr. Marc Nürnberger et Dr. Jiehua Cai de Institut de Sinologie LMU Munich (Allemagne) dans le cadre de deux sessions de cours intensifs en chinois.


Working with Classical Chinese A Re-Introdution

This Classical Chinese intense course is designed as a hands-on revision of the core concepts of Classical Chinese as a source language. Participants of all levels of Chinese are welcome, the course language will be English. The course will adapt to the individual interests and skills of the participants, and then focus on the respective needs of the students. After quick theoretical presentations of small sets of phenomena, short example texts will be jointly read and translated in class. Apart from the featured grammatical constructions, various translation and research tools will be presented, in order to facilitate the daily work with Classical Chinese source texts.

The Mazu Cult Past and Present of a Chinese Folk Religion

The workshop on the Mazu Cult is focused on the roots and histo-rical development of the Mazu Cult, an influential Chinese folk reli-gion that is still vibrant in East Asia and beyond. In four sessions, it will introduce the participants in short interactive presentations to historical sources and contemporary documentations alike. Leaving enough room for joint discussions and critical exchange of opinions regarding the Chinese concepts of a guardian deity and, if reques-ted, some reading of original Chinese sources. The workshop will be held in English and all levels of Chinese are welcome.

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