Graduate School of East Asian Studies
The Graduate School East Asian Studies provides students with a double expertise: an excellent level in an oriental language (Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Vietnamese) and in the human and social sciences.

The Gradute School of East Asian Studies trains high-level international students. At the end of the two (or three) years program (in the case of an extended stay abroad), they have an excellent command of an oriental language (Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Vietnamese). They are familiar with the latest developments in research in the humanities and social sciences in their area of specialisation.
The courses are taught in French, English and Oriental languages, and students are expected to spend time in their country of specialisation.
Lectures 2024-2025
In 2024-25, the Graduate School in East Asian Studies will offer a series of lectures given by foreign guest professors
Responsables du programme
Date and time
One thursday a month, 5:00 to 6:30 pm
Room Léon Vandermeersch (481C, 4e étage aile C, 5 rue Thomas Mann, 75013, Paris)
Social science seminars in English
In the framework of Actions Paris Graduate School of East Asian Studies, the following seminars are given wholly or partly in English :
Sociology of China (Gilles GUIHEUX)
Political Trajectories in China and Taiwan (Sébastien BILLIOUD)
Korean Areal Methodology (Justine GUICHARD)
Sociology of minorities (Anne-Lise MITHOUT)
Literature and popular culture in post-war Japan (Thomas GARCIN)
History and sociology of beliefs and knowledge (Ken DAIMARU)
Contemporary Vietnam through texts of the social sciences (Marie GIBERT-FLUTRE)
Publications and Careers in Asian Studies
Publications and careers in Asian Studies in France
Thursday, november 21th, 4:00-7:00 p.m., room 481C (UFR LCAO)
Speakers :
Publications and careers in Asian Studies in the English-speaking world
Thursday, february 6th, 4:00-7:00 p.m., room 481C (UFR LCAO)
Speakers :
After Work Seminar
Thursday november 28th 2024, 5:30 to 7:00 pm, room 481C (UFR LCAO),
Thursday march 13th 2025 5:30 to 7:00 pm, room 481C (UFR LCAO),
Prix Jacqueline Pigeot du meilleur mémoire de master sur l’Asie orientale
Since 2023, Université Paris Cité’s Paris Graduate School of East Asian Studies has awarded an annual prize for a Master 2 thesis on East Asia, defended in one of the 4 sections of the UFR LCAO, in any discipline of the humanities and social sciences.
Research and Travel Scholarship
SMARTS-UP international scholarships for Master students
2024-2025 – 3 scholarships
GUO Yuezhou, M2 LLCER chinese studies
MENENDEZ VAZQUEZ Raquel, M1 LLCER chinese studies
TOSSOUUJIJEDE Véronique Yadaho Amour Audé, M1 LLCER chinese studies2023-2024 – 2 scholarships
ROTA Veronica, italienne, M2 LLCER vietnamese studies
GRIGOREVA Nadezhda, russe, M2 LLCER chinese studies2022-2023 – 5 scholarships
BARRIENTOS BERROCAL Alba, Spanish, M2 LLCER chinese studies
GRIGOREVA Nadezhda, Russian, M1 LLCER chinese studies
ORAZZO Alessia, Italian, M2 LLCER chinese studies
ROTA Veronica, Italian, M1 LLCER vietnamese studies
SENGUN Berfu, Turkish M2 LLCER japanese studies2021-2022 – 2 scholarships
BARRIENTOS BERROCAL Alba, Spanish, M1 LLCER chinese studies
SENGUN Berfu, Turkish, M1 LLCER japanese studies