
The LCAO Department’s Specialized Documentation
The LCAO Library’s collections are readily accessible to all users. They are available in Asian languages and represent the Department’s course offerings and research. The Library comprises around 80,000 works on east Asian languages, literature, philosophy and history, and are available in Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese in the following areas :
Science, Technology and Literature in East Asia
History of Science and Technology
Knowledge Transfer, Interculturality and Translation
Literary Culture, Linguistic Tools, Philology, Materiality of Writing
Intellectual History, History of the Press and the Media
Visual Culture – Popular Culture in East Asia
Visual Arts, Cinema, Performing Arts, Comic Books, Popular Culture
Cultural Studies
Folklore, Mythology, Oral Literature
Popular Religion, Ethnology, Human Geography
Hierarchies, Social Relations, Emancipation in Asia
Gender Studies, Representation of Women (Literature and Society)
Social Conflicts, Law, Education, Nationalism
Social Minorities: Migrant Workers, Poverty, Disabilities
Contemporary Asian Societies and Migration
- Postmodernity (Literature, Art, Society)
- Religious Resurgence; Confucianism as a Shared Foundation in East Asia
- Population Migration, Diasporas
- Consumerism, Urban Geography
Reference Works
The Library offers unrestricted access to a number of language materials, maps and atlases.
Among the other reference works are :
- CHINA : Dictionaries with and without characters: Ricci, Hanyu Da Cidian 汉语大词典, Hanyu Da Zidian 汉语大字典 and Cihai 辞海. Encyclopedias: Zhongguo Da Baike Quanshu 中国大百科全书. Biographical dictionaries: Franke, Goodrich, Hummel, Boorman, etc. Recent statistical publications for each Chinese province.
- KOREA : Specialized dictionaries: Kuksa taesajŏn 國史大事典 국사대사전, Han’guk Munhak taesajŏn 韓國文學大事典 한국문학대사전. Dictionaries: Kug’ŏ taesajŏn 國語大事典 국어대사전 and encyclopedias: Hanhan taesajŏn 漢韓大辭典 한한대사전 in 15 volumes.
- JAPAN : Dictionaries with and without characters: Nihon kokugo dai jiten 日本国語大辞典, Dai Kan-Wa jiten 大漢和辞典. Encyclopedias: Encyclopedia Japonica. Reference works: Kokusho sômokuroku 国書総目録.
- VIETNAM : Dictionaries: Lê Khả Kế-Nguyễn Lân. Character dictionaries: Thiều Chửu, Đào Duy Anh. Book catalogues in Han Nôm: Di Sản Hán Nôm Việt Nam Thư Mục Đề Yếu.
Archival Sources
The LCAO Library has benefited from a number of donations from associations and private doners: Taipei Representative Office in France, Philippe Langlet, Toshiko Mori, Hubert Maës, Claude Aubert, Christine Nguyen-Tri, Marie-José Lalitte, Tạ Trọng Hiệp, Jacqueline Nivard, Françoise Josse, Yau Shun-chiu, Françoise Kriessler, Marc Mécréant, Ôkubo Otohiko and the Passeport Pour la Chine Association.
The Library has also received donations from Asian institutions such as Kasumi Kaikan, Korea Foundation, National Library of Korea, National Assembly Library of Korea, Haiban, and China National Library’s Window to China program.