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Quand :
24 avril 2023 @ 13 h 30 min – 25 avril 2023 @ 20 h 30 min

L’Institut La Personne en médecine (Université Paris Cité) est partenaire du Comparative Health Humanities symposium organisé par Sari Artschuler (Northeastern University) et Sophie Vasset (Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier) à Northeastern University et à Harvard les24 et 25 avril 2023.
The Comparative Health Humanities Symposium is a multi-day event taking place at Northeastern University and Harvard University on Monday, April 24th and Tuesday, April 25th.
Monday, April 24th | 1: 30 PM – 5 PM, RP 909 or virtual
Tuesday, April 25th | 4 PM – 8 PM, Harvard’s Mahindra Center, Barker Center or virtual
The Symposium gathers international health humanities scholars to examine what we can learn about the field across political, social, cultural, and linguistic contexts. Speakers will address topics including race/racism, the environment and health, translation/untranslatability, and health humanities and the health professions. We aim not only to surface differences but to develop a new model for thinking about the health humanities comparatively.
Speakers include Drs. Eram Alam, Harvard University, Sari Altschuler, Northeastern University, Rita Charon, Columbia University, David Jones, Harvard University, Guillaume Lachenal, Sciences Po, Céline Lefève, Université Paris Cité, Solène Lellinger, Université Paris Cité, Chris Parsons, Northeastern University, Karen Thornber, Harvard University, Sophie Vasset, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier, Jean-Christian Vinel, Université Paris Cité, Simeng Wang, CNRS and Patricia Williams, Northeastern University
To join virtually, please register for a virtual ticket for the date(s) you plan to attend. A link to join will be sent one week prior to the event and also the day before the event : https://bit.ly/40heWw6