GRIP intends to take advantage of the unique expertise provided by the Université Paris Cité and its partners, notably the IRD, in the analysis of global dynamics, in particular the North-South linkage, the multipolarity of the world, and the importance of Asia in the growing economic, commercial, social and cultural interdependencies. The variety of research topics calls for work to be carried out from elsewhere, with fieldwork, in close collaboration with solid institutional partners in the field of global studies. GRIP is launching a new wave of calls for projects now to support and accompany proposals during 2023. We invite you to read the conditions and dates for applying!

Projets attendus
Les actions de recherche financées par le GRIP peuvent concerner : A) L’organisation de séminaires, de colloques, de journées d’étude B) Le soutien de projets de recherche qui impliquent des enquêtes de terrain croisées sur plusieurs sites (dans la perspective globale) C) Le soutien à la formulation de projets et prise de contact avec des partenaires internationaux (seed funding), en vue de la préparation de demandes de financement auprès d’agences de recherche, y compris de l’IDEX, ANR, UE, …) Tous les projets de recherche financés devront comporter une dimension interdisciplinaire. Les propositions peuvent inclure des missions de partenaires internationaux.
Eligibility conditions
All applications must be submitted by a researcher or a laboratory of the Université Paris Cité or the Alliance Sorbonne Paris Cité
- The project must involve at least two research units from the Université Paris Cité or the Alliance Sorbonne Paris Cité
- The proposal must contribute to the structuring of GRIP
Other elements that may favour the application :
- Participation of partners from the Global South
- Participation of young researchers (PhD students and post-docs)
- Inclusion of science and society activities
Evaluation criteria
The evaluation criteria for projects will take into account (in no particular order of priority)
- Project’s relevance to GRIP’s themes
- Contribution to the structuring of GRIP
- Interdisciplinarity of the project
- Inclusion of young researchers and/or partners from the Global South
- Interaction between science and society
- Quality and feasibility of the project
The budget available per application can be :
- Up to €10,000 for type A projects
- Up to €15,000 for type B and C projects
Research funded by GRIP must be signed as follows: “This study was supported and financed by the IdEx University of Paris, ANR-18-IDEX-0001
How to apply?
To apply, please send your application with a short CV of the project leader(s) (2 pages maximum) and a project proposal (4 pages maximum) to :
Proposals must include a description of the project, the participating institutions, the link between the project and GRIP’s areas of interest and a global budget which indicates the share requested from GRIP.
New deadline! Applications can be sent until midnight on 31 October 2022.
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