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Christian Grataloup

Christian Grataloup, born in 1951 in Lyon, former student of ENS Cachan, Professor and Doctor in geography, successively secondary school teacher, teacher of preparatory classes, trainer of teachers and PEGC, lecturer at the University of Reims and finally professor at the University of Paris Diderot (now Université Paris Cité).

Christian Grataloup’s research and publications have always been at the crossroads of geography and history. A large part of his work concerns didactics, in particular through the development of pedagogical ‘games’. But most of his books take the Braudelian expression of geohistory literally, particularly in the study of the long time span of globalisation and its translation into cartographic thought.

Latest books published:

  • Atlas historique de la France, Les Arènes / L’Histoire, 2020
  • The invention of continents and oceans. Comment l’Europe a découpé le Monde, Larousse, 2020
  • Cabinet de curiosité de l’histoire du Monde, Armand Colin, 2020
  • Atlas historique mondial, Les Arènes / L’Histoire, 2019
  • Vision(s) du Monde, Armand Colin, 2018
  • Le Monde dans nos tasses. Trois siècles de petit-déjeuner, Armand Colin, 2017 (paperback edition, 2020)
  • Atlas global, 2nd edition, Les Arènes, 2016
  • Introduction to geohistory, Armand Colin, 2015
  • Geohistory of globalisation, 3rd edition, Armand Colin, 2015

To be published in autumn 2022: Atlas historique de la planète Terre (et de son usage par les humains), Les Arènes / L’Histoire, 2022