The seminar “Overseas and social science research: effects of scale and sovereignty” organised by Sarah Mohamed-Gaillard (INALCO-CESSMA) et Valelia Muni-Toke (IRD), labelled by GRIP, launches a new session on 17th June 2021.

Plantation de canne à sucre de la France coloniale en Martinique, Indes occidentales, 1830
© Crédits : Universal History Archive/UIG
As a follow-up to the workshop organised in June 2019 by Sarah Mohamed-Gaillard et Valelia Muni Toke, with the support of F3S (“French Overseas Territories: relations to the State and public policies”), this research seminar aims to contribute to the structuring of a research network on “Overseas Territories” in the social sciences. Five videoconference sessions have been organised between January and February 2021. A new session is planned on 17th June 2021, between 8 and 10 a.m., with the intervention Tamatoa Bambridge (CNRS, CRIOBE) : « “Governance of maritime spaces and native knowledge” » and the discussants : Pierre-Yves Le Meur (GRED) et Valelia Muni Toke (INALCO). To download the full programme and to register for the seminar, please click the button below..
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