Since 2021, GRIP has funded several interdisciplinary projects within the scope of the Université Paris Cité on global dynamics, in particular on North-South and East-West links, the multipolarity of the world, the transformation of institutions and practices, and the importance of Asia in the growing economic, commercial, social and cultural interdependencies.
This year, GRIP proposes to launch calls for projects using different methods and with a different timetable to support and accompany proposals during 2024.
We invite you to read the conditions and dates for applying!

Expected projects
The call to fund projects in 2024 takes several different forms:
Type 1: Research projects involving cross-site field surveys (from a global perspective).
Type 2: Additional funding for research projects that have already received GRIP funding once. The extension proposal must present an explanation justifying this need, based on the results obtained during the first phase of the project (project funded and closed).
Type 3: Support for project formulation and contacts with international partners (seed funding), with a view to preparing funding applications to research agencies, including IDEX, ANR, ANRS, the European Union, etc.
Type 4: Organisation of seminars, colloquia and study days involving foreign speakers. These meetings must be held before the end of 2024, be open to the public, and may be held outside France. Those held in France must take place within the UPCité.
Type 5: Development projects. Proposals seeking support for publication (books, articles, journal articles), or other forms of presentation of the results obtained (films and documentaries, podcasts, etc.). This does not include papers presented at conferences, the organisation of
organisation of sessions at international conferences, conferences of professional or disciplinary associations. Collective productions will be favoured.
Eligibility conditions
All applications must be submitted by a researcher or laboratory from Université Paris Cité or Alliance Sorbonne Paris Cité.
–> The project must involve partners in two specific ways:
- Involve at least one Université Paris Cité or Alliance Sorbonne Paris Cité research unit with at least one foreign partner
- Involve at least one research unit from Université Paris Cité or the Sorbonne Paris Cité Alliance with a French research unit outside the UPCité/Alliance SPC perimeter and at least one foreign partner.
–> Other elements that may favour the application :
- Participation of partners from Africa, Asia or Latin America
- Participation of young researchers (PhD students and post-docs)
- Inclusion of science-society activities organisation of sessions at international conferences, or conferences organised by professional or disciplinary associations. Collective productions will be encouraged.
–> Proposals must contribute to the structuring of GRIP, either in accordance with GRIP’s thematic axes, or by proposing themes that deviate from them but allow the dynamics of globalisation to be examined. In the latter case, applicants are invited to contact us before drawing up their projects.
–> Research projects must have an interdisciplinary dimension.
–> Proposals may include missions by foreign partners. By partners we mean research teams.
Evaluation criteria
The evaluation criteria for projects will take into account (in no particular order of priority)
- Project’s relevance to GRIP’s themes
- Contribution to the structuring of GRIP
- Interdisciplinarity of the project
- Inclusion of young researchers and/or partners from the Global South
- Interaction between science and society
- Quality and feasibility of the project
The budget available for each application may range from :
- Up to 15,000€ for type 1 and 2 research projects
- Between 5,000€ and 10,000€ for type 3 and 4 projects
- Up to 5,000€ for development projects, type 5
Research funded by GRIP must be signed as follows:
“This research was funded by IdEx Université Paris Cité, ANR-18-IDEX-0001”.
“This research was funded by IdEx Université Paris Cité, ANR-18-IDEX-0001”.
The budget will be available between the end of 2023 and 31st December 2024.
How to apply?
To apply, please send your request with a short CV of the project leaders (2 pages maximum) and a project proposal (4 pages maximum) to:
Proposals should include a description of the project, the participating institutions, how the project relates to GRIP’s themes and an overall budget showing the share requested from GRIP.
- Launch of AAP: 15st June 2023
- AAP closing date: 1st October 2023
- AAP resolution: 31st October 2023
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