Séance commune séminaires « Ressources naturelles et relations internationales » et « Recherches sur l’histoire de l’Afrique et l’Océan indien »
Vendredi 1er mars, 10h-12h – Salle 255 (Olympe de Gouges)
Présentation de l’ouvrage de Alessandro Iandolo (University College London)
Arrested Development: The Soviet Union in Ghana, Guinea, and Mali, 1955-1968 (Cornell University Press, 2022)
Arrested Development examines the USSR’s involvement in West Africa during the 1950s and 1960s as an aid donor, trade partner, and political inspiration for the first post-independence governments in Ghana, Guinea, and Mali. Buoyed by solid economic performance in the 1950s, the USSR opened itself up to the world and launched a series of programs aimed at supporting the search for economic development in newly independent countries in Africa and Asia. These countries, emerging from decades of colonial domination, looked at the USSR as an example to strengthen political and economic independence. Based on extensive research in Russian and West African archives, Alessandro Iandolo explores the ideas that guided Soviet engagement in West Africa, investigates the projects that the USSR sponsored « on the ground, » and analyzes their implementation and legacy.
Alessandro Iandolo est un historien de l’Union Soviétique. Il s’intéresse aux interactions économiques, intellectuelles et politiques de l’URSS avec les idées, les États et les peuples extérieurs. En particulier, il examine l’engagement soviétique en Afrique, en Asie et en Amérique latine pendant la Guerre froide.
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