Professional Master’s Degrees
Master’s in Foreign and Regional Languages, Literatures and Civilizations (LLCER)
M1 & M2 in LLCER – Specialization in English and American Studies – Cultural Intelligence and Innovation : Semiotic Strategy Trends, Consulting, Development and Communication
The Master’s in Cultural Intelligence and Innovation provides students with the fundamentals of semiotic analysis, online communication, brand design, foresight, writing (in French and English), and communication. The objectives of the program are as follows :
• Analyze cultural institutions and the media, their symbolic and economic position, and their communication strategy ;
• Understand culture in a globalized economy ;
• Use contemporary communication skills and the principles of benchmarking ;
• Use digital tools (blogs, graphic design, intranet, web 2.0, etc.) ;
• Move from analysis to action (project management) and from action to analysis (internship report) ;
• Introduce students to innovative project management (planning, decision-making, business plans, etc.).
The aim is also for students to learn the newest skills available in the field of visual culture and increase their knowledge of semiotics, contemporary cultural practices, digital transformations, and the communication sector.
M1 & M2 in LLCER – Specialization in English and American Studies : Literary Translation
The Master’s in Literary Translation aims to produce translators for French-speaking markets. In addition to the practical and theoretical training aspects, the program has a mentorship program for second year students and prepares them to enter the publishing sector, which has a number of partnerships with our University.
Over the two years, students will participate in a variety of literary translation events and festivals such as VO/VF, the Arles translation convention held in November, Printemps de la Traduction, the Montreuil Children’s Book Fair, among others. Students will be able to attend conferences and meet translators, publishers, editors, collection managers, booksellers, lawyers specialized in intellectual property, and more.
Regular attendance and active participation are required so students can get the most out of the program. It is imperative that students have excellent command of the word processing tools often used in publishing (Pack Office, etc.) as these are some of the most practical aspects of translation.
See all the programs offered at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.