Modules in Anglophone Studies
If you would like to attend classes in the Anglophone Studies Department (or UFR Etudes Anglophones), please consult our course catalogues and teaching timetables.
Please note that our CATALOGUES OF MODULES ARE UPDATED EVERY YEAR. Updated versions are usually published at the end of the summer, a week or two before the beginning of the Fall term.
Our FIRST-TERM TIMETABLES are usually published around the same time, in early September. Our SECOND-TERM TIMETABLES are usually published at the end of December or beginning of January, a few weeks before the beginning of the Spring term.
Classes offered by the Department of Anglophone Studies (UFR Études Anglophones) are mostly taught in English. Some however are taught exclusively in French. Be attentive to this information in our catalogues.
A note on teaching locations: most of our classes are taught in the Olympe de Gouges building. However, some will take place in the Halle aux Farines building, which is also located on the Grands Moulins Campus.
Undergraduate modules in Anglophone Studies
To find out more about undergraduate course in Anglophone Studies, please browse our catalogue of undergraduate modules and timetables (brochure et emplois du temps L1 – L2 – L3)
Registration choices should be sent by email to Dr Clemence Follea (academic coordinator for incoming students in the UFR Etudes Anglophones):
Please note that the UFR Etudes Anglophones works differently than other UFRs in the Humanities Faculty: in order to register for undergraduate classes, you will need to go through your academic contact rather than directly through the student’s office.
Please send your full name, your student number, and a list of the classes you would like to be registered for, with their titles, correct codes, and the group numbers if applicable. Registration usually opens one or two weeks before classes begin (see academic calendar below) so please send your choice of modules at this time.
Please note that due to the restrictions on the number of students in each group, it will be very difficult to change your registration once it has been completed. The only requests we will accept will be those for changes made necessary by timetable clashes with courses taken in other Departments.
So please make sure from the first that you avoid timetable clashes and that you have enough credits (« ECTS ») to validate your semester (students usually need 30 credits for one semester but this can vary with different universities so please check with your home institution to determine how many you need).
Postgraduate modules in Anglophone Studies
The graduate courses (postgraduate modules) offered at the UFR d’Etudes Anglophones correspond to the classes and seminars required for the Master Etudes Anglophones (MA in English and American Studies). This degree is divided into two years of two semesters each:
- M1 S1 : 1st year, semester 1 (Fall semester)
- M1 S2 : 1st year, semester 2 (Spring semester)
- M2 S3 : 2nd year, semester 3 (Fall semester)
- M2 S4 : 2nd year, semester 4 (Spring semester)
To find out more about postgraduate courses in Anglophone Studies, please browse our catalogue of postgraduate modules and timetables (brochure et emplois du temps M1 – M2)
To register for modules in the Department of Anglophone Studies, postgrad students will need to contact Mme Murielle Guillemont, our Admission and Registration Administrator for Postgraduate Studies:
Batiment Olympe de Gouges, 4th floor, room 449 (office hours here, under “Bureau Master Recherche”).
+33 1 57 27 58 54
Please send her your full name, your student number, and the list of classes you would like to be registered for, with their codes, titles and group numbers if applicable.
Registration usually opens one week before classes begin (see academic calendar below), so please make sure you contact Murielle at this time.
JDEAS students
Please note that JDEAS students must prioritise M2 courses.
Academic calendar for the Department of Anglophone Studies
Fall term (first semester) 2023/24
The 2023/24 first-term welcome week for mobility students will start on 11th September 2022 (see below).
Classes will start on 18th September 2023 and end on 22nd December 2023.
Exam session: 18th to 22nd December 2023 + 8th to 12th January 2024
Autumn holiday: 28th October to 5th November 2023
Winder holiday: 23rd December 2023 to 7th January 2024
Spring term (second semester) 2023/24
The welcome week for mobility students will start on 16th January 2023 (see below).
Classes will start on 22nd January 2024 and end on 3rd May 2024
Exams: 6th May to 17th May 2024
Winter holiday: 17th to 26th February 2024
Easter holiday: 6th to 22nd April 2024
** Note that for some classes all the evaluation is done in classes during term, while for others exams take place after term. Your instructor will explain whether or not you have to sit an exam in May.
Re-sits (both terms)
The re-sit exams FOR BOTH TERMS will take place from 10th to 28th June 2024
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