Quand :
12 September 2024 @ 17 h 00 min – 10 April 2025 @ 18 h 30 min
Où :
Léon Vandermeersch Room (481C, 4th floor, Building C)
5 rue Thomas Mann
75013 Paris
[Lecture Series] Current Research on East Asia 2024-2025 @ Léon Vandermeersch Room (481C, 4th floor, Building C)
Committed to international openness, creativity, and the dissemination of knowledge, the Graduate School of East Asian Studies at Université Paris Cité invites you to a series of lectures given by internationally renowned researchers throughout the 2024-2025 academic year. Don’t miss these inspiring events!
No registration needed, these lectures are open to everyone and offered in a hybrid format.
The conferences are only in English.
For the 2024-2025 academic year, the Graduate School of East Asian Studies is organising a series of lectures with renowned international researchers. These lectures provide a unique opportunity to listen to and discuss with seven experts, focusing on East Asia. They will cover topics such as idea exchanges, migration, collaborations, and the movement of texts across borders.
These events aim to enrich the education of Master’s and doctoral students, especially those specialising in Asian studies or related fields, and who are proficient in an East Asian language (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, or Vietnamese).

Check out our programme

The conferences are only in English.

Each session will provide an opportunity to hear experts share their knowledge and engage in enriching discussions.

Good to know: The lecture series Current Research on East Asia 2024-2025 will take place on one Thursday each month, from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM.

Inscription details

The lecture series Current Research on East Asia 2024-2025 is available in two formats.
In person: Léon Vandermeersch Room – 481C, 4th floor, Building C, Grands Moulins – 5 rue Thomas Mann, 75013 Paris
Online: Zoom link >

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Xinyuan ZHANG
Yokohama National University
Topic: “The political economy of soybean in East Asia”

Thursday, September 26, 2024

University of Tokyo
Topic: “Visualising diplomacy in cold war Asia”

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Sebastian RUMSBY
Researcher at Leverhulme, University of Birmingham
Topic: “Aspirations to move up Vietnam’s social ladder: from religious transformation to transnational migration”

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Research professor in Social Anthropology, Chr. Michelsen Institute
Topic: “Vietnamese and Chinese fisheries and militia in the common maritime space of the South China sea”

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Curator of Japanese Collections, British Museum
Topic: “The splendor of modernity: towards a history of Meiji arts”

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Topic: “Women’s contributions to material life in the Tang dynasty”

Thursday, March 20, 2025

John LEE
Durham University
Topic: “Kingdom of Pines: state forestry and the making of early modern Korea, 1392-1910”

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Senior lecturer in Anthropology, University of Exeter
Topic: “Two dogs with one stone? Urban markets and the dog meat trade in South Korea during the Covid-19 pandemic”

Thursday, April 10, 2025

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Topic: “Comparison between the Spanish Popular Front and the Chinese United Front in the period 1936-1939”

No registration is needed!

The event is open to Master’s students, PhD students, third-year undergraduates considering a research Master’s, as well as professors and researchers working on or interested in East Asia.

The Current Research on East Asia 2024-2025 lecture series is available in two formats…

In person:
Léon Vandermeersch Room
481c, 4th Floor, Building C, Grands Moulins
5 Thomas Mann Street, 75013 Paris

The conferences are only in English.

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