On April 13th, the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation announced the 12 new winners of the “Science with and for Society” label. (Science avec et pour la société). Université Paris Cité has joined 17 other institutions who have been granted the label, which recognises and promotes the university’s openness to society through communication and partnership initiatives.

Since its creation, Université Paris Cité, offers a wide range of scientific disciplines including health, formal and experimental sciences, as well as humanities and social science and has been committed to developing dialogue between science, research and society. The quality of this dialogue is built on a variety of forms of expression, including the sharing of a common scientific culture, participatory research approaches, the dissemination of knowledge and scientific mediation activities, all of which are in line with the main objectives set forth by Université Paris Cité:
- Enhance the openness of Université Paris Cité to society
- Stimulate interest in science and curiosity about scientific careers
- Foster knowledge sharing and dialogue between scientists and citizens
- Strengthen the links between education, research and administration
- Promote knowledge of technological innovations with a strong societal impact and allow everyone to take ownership of the challenges of scientific developments
- Share the scientific process and encourage critical thinking
The label aims to strengthen local networks through partnerships between higher education and research institutions as well as through stakeholders in science communication and outreach. It also aims to facilitate the deployment of public policies in favor of dialogue between science, research and society at the heart of the territories.
For Xavier Coumoul, Vice-President in charge of Scientific Culture and Outreach, “This label is an important recognition for our university, which is involved at multiple faculty levels in the implementation of an innovative cultural policy. It will enble us to diversify our dialogue with society through multiple partnerships and to support the scientific mediation policy, which is a crucial challenge for a university of international standing.”
By obtaining this label, along with an endowment of 270,000 euros for the year 2022, Université Paris Cité is underlining its position as a university in the heart of the city, open to the world as well as to its environment.
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