Succeeding at Université Paris Cité

Graduation Ceremony in the Science department.

© Université Paris Cité

Our tips for success

Live your academic journey to the fullest

Université Paris Cité offers its students many opportunities: studying abroad, getting involved in an association, following optional courses (‘UE libres’) to discover other disciplines, etc

Be hardworking and determined

Studying at Université Paris Cité requires autonomy and strong organizational skills. Each student has to do a great deal of individual work every day, even when there are no classes. We recommend that all our students do not neglect the lectures even if there is no attendance control.

Making freedom at university an asset

Université Paris Cité enables all its students to effectively make use of their free time by learning languages through self-learning, by practicing a sports activity, by becoming a student ambassador, tutor or volunteer, by attending conferences and cultural events offered by the university.


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Université Paris Cité at APAIE 2025 in India

Université Paris Cité at APAIE 2025 in India

Université Paris Cité will be attending the 2025 edition of APAIE (Asia-Pacific Association for International Education), a leading event in global higher education. This year's event takes place in New Delhi, India, and brings together academic institutions and...