Student Employment Opportunities
Hunting for a student job ? Université Paris Cité offers student contracts that are compatible with your studies. They are available on the online Career Centre platform.

Université Paris Cité offers the student community jobs throughout the year within its departments or at partner institutions enabling students to work alongside their studies. Consult the student job offers by connecting to Career Centre d’U-Paris.
The Career Centre is a new platform for professional integration at Université Paris Cité. The platform lists job offers, internships and student jobs from companies and public partners.
Jobs at Université Paris Cité
Université Paris Cité offers employment opportunities within its departments, throughout the year, for the following activities:
- Welcoming students
- Supporting students with disabilities
- Tutoring
- Technical assistance and help with using new technologies
- Support service for library staff
- Cultural, scientific, sporting and social activities
- Help with professional integration
- Promoting the educational offer
Connect to the Carreer Centre platform and search for jobs with the keywords « Job étudiant UP » and « Service civique UP ».
With a disability?
Companies are targeted with the keyword “Handi-engaged”.
Prepare your resume, job application, interview
Job hunting requires preparation. Even if it is a student job, your job search must be done with determination, energy and enthusiasm.
To get the most out of an efficient job hunt, be equipped with the right tools and start your search with methodology and organisation. First of all, think about your objectives, goals and which job you want to apply for… By setting your objectives, it enable you to choose the arguments, experiences and training that you will present and will give you a common thread.
Now you can get started!
Click on the links below to find practical advice and guidance in your job search:
Online resources:
Guidance and employability workshops
Themes covered throughout the year:
- Developing a job search strategy
- Identifying your skills
- Optimising CVs and cover letters
- Pitch to a recruiter in 5 minutes
Information and registration:
Student Life Department
Site Odéon
12 rue de l’école de Médecine
Paris 6è
Aile droite du bâtiment – Portes A.0.4 et A.0.5
Campus Grands Moulins
Aile A – RdC – Loft
5, rue Thomas Mann
Paris 13e
POP Professional Development and Guidance Department
Campus Grands Moulins
Bâtiment des Grands Moulins – Aile C – RDC*
10 Esplanade Pierre Vidal-Naquet Paris 13e
*Accueil exclusivement sur rendez-vous
Make an appointment Orientation & Professionnalisation
Make an appointment Coworking space **
** access limited to 4 persons/hour
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