Student Associations

The dynamism of Université Paris Cité student associations offers students great opportunities to multiply enriching experiences and share a project or values.
The University brings together over 120 student associations : culture, sport, citizenship… the choices are plentiful.

The Bichat Blouse Brothers Brass Band

© Université Paris Cité

Supporting student associations

The Student life Directorate of Université Paris Cité assists associations in their endeavors:

Supports student initiatives

Assistance in setting up projects that will be presented before the committee

Production or co-production of student events

The following content is in French

Funding for community projects

Part of the CVEC received by the university is dedicated each year to the financing of student association projects.

Any student association of the university or any student from Université Paris Cité who is a member of an outside association may file a request for funding for a project to be examined by the committee.
Such aid may cover cultural, solidarity or humanitarian projects, sports, scientific, vocational guidance or student life activities.

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How do I submit my file?

  1. Download and complete the Student Association Projects Help form.
  2. This form is to be sent as soon as possible, in Word format, by email to the Student association department. Following this e-mail, an appointment can be made to exchange information on your project before presenting it to the commission.
  3. Put your file together by downloading the list of documents to be provided as well as the charter of engagement.
  4. Submit your full paper file to the student association department by the 4th of october, 2021 (deadline for review by the commission).
    The committee, originally is scheduled on the 21th of october 2021.

 Where do I submit my file?

No records can be filed at this time. If you have any questions, the Student societies department remains available by email: 


Located in room 069 E and 065E of the Halle aux Farines, The MEVA (House of Students and student associations) is a place of exchange for student associations of Université Paris Cité, dedicated to strengthening the community fabric.

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Université Paris Cité at APAIE 2025 in India

Université Paris Cité at APAIE 2025 in India

Université Paris Cité will be attending the 2025 edition of APAIE (Asia-Pacific Association for International Education), a leading event in global higher education. This year's event takes place in New Delhi, India, and brings together academic institutions and...