From September 17 to 20, 2024, Université Paris Cité welcomed over 400 visitors to its stand at the European Association for International Education (EAIE) fair dedicated to the internationalisation of higher education. At the forefront of the event was international cooperation.

EAIE is:
- 7300 participants
- 980 representatives from French higher education
- more than 60 French institutions
- 150 people per day at the stand
- 30 rendez-vous per day
- 110 countries
Strengthening Ties with our Privileged Partners
The EAIE is an opportunity for higher education institutions from all over the world to meet, exchange ideas, forge links and develop new partnerships. It is a unique professional forum for sharing thoughts, observations and analyses on international issues and challenges facing the academic world.
The fair offered Université Paris Cité the opportunity to strengthen its international profile, forge direct contacts with potential partners, discuss the pursuit existing partnerships with current counterparts, and explore new avenues of cooperation.
Université Paris Cité’s international relations teams met with partners from every continent, including Mahidol University (Thailand), Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria (Chile), Yonsei University (Korea), University of Ghana and University of Nigeria, while also reserving special exchange time for long-standing and future partners, Kings College London, University of Glasgow (UK), Université de Montréal (Canada) and Université Mohammed VI Polytechique (Morocco). We also had the occasion to meet members of the Circle U European alliance.
International Relations
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