
Bi-licence. This is an undergraduate degree.
University library
This an undergraduate degree awarded at a “Universitaire de Technologie” or an University Bachelor of Technology
Lecture or “Cours Magistraux” held in amphitheatres.
Preparatory class for “grandes écoles”. Grandes écoles are academic institutions with highly competitive admission requirements.
Tuition fees or “Contribution de Vie Etudiante et de Campus”
“Diplôme d’accès aux études universitaires” or access to university diploma
Diplôme d’Etat or State diploma
Dual undergraduate degree or “Double licence”
National diploma
University diploma / Diplôme inter-universitaire
Acronym for « European Credits Transfer System ». Each semester student completes up to 30 ECTS. These are valid in, and can be transferred to other countries. 30 credits are required to validate a semester, and 60 credits are needed to validate an academic year.
This acronym stands for “Eléments constitutifs d’Unités d’Enseignement”
Initial training
Vocational training / Life long learning
“Formation qualifiante” or training leading to a qualification
This is an undergraduate degree awarded at a “Universitaire de Technologie” or an IUT, University Bachelor of Technology
Licence – Master – Doctorat. The Higher Education structure in France is based on the LMD system. LMD refers to the degree level and stands for “Licence-Masters-Doctorate”. In other words, “Bachelor’s-Master’s-Doctorate” degrees. These three levels are recognised by many countries in the European Union and around the world, facilitating international educational student mobility.
Licence professionnelle
Massive open online course
PAEH : Plan d’Accompagnement de l’Etudiant en situation de Handicap
Support Plan for Students with Disabilities
The RNCP, i.e. the Répertoire National de la Certification Professionnelle, lists all the training courses and titles certified by the CNCP (Commission Nationale de la Certification Professionnelle)
Tutorials or “Travaux Dirigés” and “Travaux Pratiques”. These are compulsory classes for smaller groups of students. They complement the lectures, with the aim of applying and strengthening theoretical understanding. Internships or “stages” at companies may also be required in addition to the tutorials and practical work.
Teaching units or « Unités d’Enseignement » correspond to modules grouped by subject matter. Each “UE” corresponds to a number of credits. Each semester corresponds to 30 credits.
UFR (Unité de Formation et de Recherche)
This acronym stands for the departments of the university, the structures in which the teaching and research of the laboratories attached to the university are organised. The UFRs are home to teacher-researchers, technical and administrative staff and of course students. They are grouped into 3 faculties: Health – Sciences – Humanities and Social Sciences.
This abbreviation refers to the “Validation of acquired experience”.
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