Faculty of Humanities and social sciences management team
In accordance with the University’s statutes, Sylvain Moutier was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Societies and Humanities by the President Université Paris Cité on the proposal of the Faculty Council. The management team of the Faculty is also composed of two statutory Vice-Deans (Research and Training), Vice-Deans, Co-Deans and mission leaders appointed by the Dean.

Sylvain Moutier
Dean of the Faculty of humanities and social sciences
Sylvain Moutier is Professor of Developmental Psychology at Université Paris Descartes. He is currently Director of the Doctoral School 261 “Cognition, Behaviour and Human Behaviour” and an elected member of the Board of Directors at Université Paris Descartes as well as of CNU (16th section). He is also a member of the Laboratory of Psychopathology and Health Processes (LPPS) at the Institute of Psychology. His research focuses on the cognitive development of decision making and logical thinking in healthy children, adolescents and adults or those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
“The creation of our faculty is an historic and exciting moment that is worth mobilizing everyone, taking the time to create a new, more humanized “living together”. I am well aware of my responsibility as Dean and I hope that my term of office will be part of a project that aims to meet, in strict compliance with our public service missions, the expectations and challenges in terms of training and research, international openness, but also in terms of governance, social dialogue and functional organization. I would like to organise a general meeting in the autumn, which will be an opportunity to get to know each other and to work on specific themes such as the first year at university, the transition to a skills-based approach, gateways, digital humanities, and the basic elements of our future internal regulations. The university is no longer just about academic education, it is a place that allows students to flourish and prepares them to be full players in our society. »
Faculty of Humanities and social sciences management team
Vice-doyenne formation et présidente de la commission formation
Marie SALAÜN – Professeure d’Anthropologie sociale – Faculté SHS
Vice-doyen recherche et président de la commission recherche
Mathieu ARNOUX – Professeur d’Histoire du moyen-âge – UFR GHES
Vice-doyenne plateformes, valorisation scientifique et relations avec les unités de recherche
Marie-Orange RIVE-LASAN – Maîtresse de conférences en Histoire contemporaine de l’Asie du Nord-Est – UFR LCAO
Vice-doyen finances et COM
Philippe CHAUSSECOURTE – Professeur en Sciences de l’éducation et de la formation – Faculté SHS
Vice-doyen vie de la faculté
Rémi GOASDOUE – Maître de Conférences en Sciences de l’éducation et de la formation – Faculté SHS
Vice-doyenne relations internationales
Claire SAILLARD – Professeure de Linguistique – UFR Linguistique
Vice-doyen ressources humaines et président de la commission des postes
Yorgos RIZOPOULOS – Professeur de Sciences Economiques – UFR GHES
Vice-doyen étudiant
Mehdi DAMERDJI – Étudiant en 3e année de licence d’économie gestion – Faculté DEG
Chargés de mission BIATSS
Myriam BRUMIER – Assistant Ingénieur, Adjointe au Responsable du Service Patrimoine et Logistique – IUT
Frédéric DEVIENNE – Ingénieur d’études, Responsable de la bibliothèque d’Asie orientale et chargé des collections chinoises – UFR LCAO.
Chargée de mission évolutions de la formation
Florence LOTTERIE – Professeure de Littérature – UFR LAC
Chargée de mission Observatoire de la faculté
Gaële HENRI-PANABIERE – Maîtresse de Conférences en Sciences de l’éducation – Faculté SHS
Chargé de mission relations avec le monde éducatif (INSPE)
Eric RODITI – Professeur de Didactique des mathématiques – Faculté SHS
Chargés de mission relations avec le monde socio-économique (formation continue, formation professionnelle)
Patricia MINACORI – Maître de conférences en Traductologie – UFR EILA
Marc VANTOUROUT – Maître de conférences en Sciences de l’éducation et de la formation – Faculté SHS
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