Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree: Economic policies for the global transition (EPOG+)

Language(s) of instruction: English

Length of study: 2 years, full time


Course Location:

  • Semester 1 and 2. The Major and Minor determines the institution in which the student spends the 1st year (Semester 1 and Semester 2): Berlin School of Economics and Law, University of Roma Tre, University of Turin, Vienna University of Economics and Business, University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa).
  • Semester 3: Université Paris Cité, University of Technology of Compiegne and Sorbonne University, France, to improve their specialisation and develop a common culture
  • Semester 4: Students write their Master’s thesis (and can choose between completing a professional internship or working in a research lab). They can choose to spend this time in one of the institutions visited previously in their pathway or to go at one of the associates partner

Degrees awarded: A joint degree awarded together by the Université Paris Cité, the University of Technology of Compiegne, Sorbonne University,  all located in France and the institution(s) in which he/she has spent the first year + a diploma supplement detailing the acquired knowledge and skills

Entry Requirements: Students must have graduated from a Bachelor or equivalent degree (180 ECTS) in economics or any other field; they must also have a good level in English and express a clear motivation to take part in the program

Language pre-requisites: Minimum test scores with TOEFL (Computer-based: 237; Paper version: 580; Internet version: 92 or above), IELTS (6.5); Cambridge Proficiency Examination (C), Cambridge Advanced English Test (B), CERF (B2). Knowledge of French, Italian or German is not mandatory, but is taken into account.

Course overview

The Economic Policies for the Global Transition (EPOG+) is a world-class two-year integrated Master’s program supported by the European Commission. It is tailored to addressing future challenges. Its concept relies on the fact that designing, implementing and assessing economic policies for the required (digital, socioeconomic and ecological) transition processes requires experts and highly trained researchers with knowledge and skills in specific fields, combined with a broader understanding of economic policy interdependencies.

The uniqueness of the EPOG+ program relies on this “systemic/holistic” approach, i.e., the ability to offer each student a specific field of study related to the chosen Major (A- Knowledge, innovation and digital transition; B- Macroeconomics, finance and the socioeconomic transition; C- Development, sustainable development and the ecological transition), together with courses, seminars and activities related to the other Majors. By reconciling these two dimensions, graduates will be better prepared to address the related challenges, to bridge the academic and policy communities.

It involves more than 40 partners, associate partners in Europe and around the world.

Skills and competencies developed
  • Referring to the “European Qualification Framework”, the EPOG+ Master’s corresponds to the learning outcomes for “EQF level 7”.
  • The knowledge, skills and competences of EPOG+ graduates includes:
    • A state-of-the-art knowledge and expertise in one of the main fields of economic policy (related to Majors A, B and C) and within a common perspective (institutional and interdisciplinary approaches to globalisation).
    • An in-depth “systemic” understanding of the interactions among economic policies (related to the two courses and the joint seminars provided to entire cohort);
    • The unique corresponding skills and competences, in particular, the ability to deal with the complex and systemic interactions among economic policies and to work in an international and cosmopolitan context.

Graduates should have a critical awareness of the problems related to global transition processes. They should be able to work on complex, varied issues and adapt to different opinions and backgrounds in a team. They should be able to provide informed and fair assessments of the various solutions. Graduates must be able to propose hypotheses and ideas that go beyond the restatement or reproduction of past knowledge. They should be able to present their own views in a clear and succinct manner, and respond to objections in a firm, but diplomatic way.

Learning outcomes also includes French language skills and possibly skills in the language of the country the student visits.


Emmanuelle JEGOT, Administrative coordinator