Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Mission
Gender, disability, religion, origin, sexual identity and orientation… Université Paris Cité is committed to promoting equality and combating all forms of stereotyping, discrimination and violence.

If you are a victim or witness of violence, harassment or discrimination, you can report it by sending a message to signalement@u-paris.fr.
Through its Equality, Diversity and Inclusion mission, Université Paris Cité is committed to promote and embed equality, diversity and inclusion to its entire community. Combating all forms of violence and discrimination, whether related to gender, disability, racism, anti-Semitism or LGBT phobia, is essential to creating a safe and healthy working and learning environment.
The Equality, Diversity & Inclusion team:
- Facilitates through a network of counsellors support to students and staff by promoting equality in the workplace and study environment
- Develops educational and awareness-raising initiatives
- Implements procedures for reporting situations of violence, harassment and discrimination throughout the year
Report violence, harassment or discrimination
Université Paris Cité is strengthening its commitment to combat all types of discrimination, harassment and violence by setting up a reporting procedure. This procedure is dedicated to students and staff.
If you are a victim or witness of violence, harassment or discrimination, report it by sending a message to signalement@u-paris.fr.
Who receives this e-mail?
Four people, members of the EDI mission, will receive your report: Joëlle Kivits (EDI Vice-President), Hélène Gallais (EDI contact for central services), Nellie Vachet (EDI contact for human resources) and Régis Lechenault (EDI contact for campus life).
Your report will be received confidentially and you will be contacted within 15 days to set up a meeting with two people specialised in listening. They will receive your report and, depending on your needs, refer you for psychological/medical and/or legal assistance.
What happens next?
After listening to you, and only if you agree, your case will be examined by a multi-professional group made up of people recognised for their specific skills (legal, human resources, medical, etc.). Recommendations will then be made. Depending on the situation, the report may also be referred to the establishment’s disciplinary committees.
In any case, you will be informed of the outcome of your request.
I have witnessed or experienced SGBV but I would like external help from the university
Our partner Women Safe offers free counselling to anyone, regardless of gender, who has experienced or witnessed gender-based or sexual violence. Appointments can be made face-to-face or remotely, and are confidential. WomenSafe can provide psychological and legal support.
If the situation reported requires immediate action by the university, and only with your agreement, Women Safe may inform the university of your report.
Women Safe
To make an appointment: 01 39 10 85 35
Monday to Friday – 9am to 6pm
accueil@women-safe.orgTo visit: 20 rue Armagis – 78100, Saint-Germain-en-Laye
RER A – Saint-Germain-en-Laye station
Contact the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Mission
Vice President Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Project Manager
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion advisers
- Faculty of Science – Vice-Dean for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: severine.leidwanger@u-paris.fr
- Faculty of Health: claire.carette@aphp.fr
- Faculty of Society and Humanities: charlotte.parmantier@u-paris.fr ; regis.revenin@u-paris.fr ; zoe.rollin@u-paris.fr
- Central Services: helene.gallais@u-paris.fr
- IPGP, Institut de physique du globe de Paris: joelle.kivits@u-paris.fr
- Campus Life Department: regis.lechenault@u-paris.fr
Disability correspondent for staff
Student Disability Department
Plan for Professional Equality between Women and Men
Disability policy planSchéma directeur handicap
Useful Resources
Sexual Harassment Guide
Work and Disability Guide
Interactive comics DANS TA FAC
Question d’égalités – Decoding Concepts Related to Equalities
ASPC Video Competition on Cybersexism
Read more
The Cité du genre is developing an ambitious research programme based on courses taught at Université Paris Cité and ASPC partner institutions
Online resources to raise awareness