Awards and Distinctions

Université Paris Cité counts in its ranks both great and famous scientists: two Nobel Prize winners, one Crafoord Prize, one Fields Medal, one Holberg Prize, numerous national prizes and more than 70 members of the Institut Universitaire de France

2 Nobel Prizes

Jean Dausset
Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1980
Professor at Paris Diderot in Hematology Department, from its creation to 1977.

George Smoot
Nobel Prize in Physics in 2006
Professor at Paris Diderot at the Astroparticle and Cosmology Laboratory of the Physics UFR.

1 Fields Medal

Artur Avila
Fields Medal 2014
Research Director at CNRS and Paris Diderot.

1 Crafoord Prize

Claude Allègre
Crafoord Prize in 1986
Professor in Paris Diderot and Director of the IPGP from 1976 to 1986.

1 Holberg Prize

Julia Kristeva
Holberg Prize 2004
Writer and psychoanalyst, teacher-researcher at Paris Diderot

1 Brain Prize

Pr Elisabeth Tournier-Lasserve
Pr Hugues Chabriat

100 ERC

Between 2008 and 2017, 63 since 2012

88 members of Institut universitaire de France (IUF)

Since 2008

18 National Prizes

(Inserm and CNRS) since 2011

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UPCité, au coeur de l’innovation

UPCité, au coeur de l’innovation

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