Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

The Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science aims to train experts on the most advanced techniques in artificial intelligence (AI) and data science, with an emphasis on interdisciplinarity.


Within the wide range of disciplines where there is a high need for data analysis, Université Paris Cité represents an exceptional set of talent, and already offers several Master’s programmes addressing these issues.

The Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science brings together pedagogical efforts related to methods at the intersection of: AI, Machine Learning, statistical learning, data analysis, data science and data-driven intelligence, addressing fundamental data analysis challenges across various disciplines.

The Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science proposes several opportunities for educational offerings and interdisciplinary research initiatives, and works in coordination with the Data Intelligence Institute of Paris (diiP), which better prepares our students for an interdisciplinary world.

Mobility programme

We actively encourage the internationalisation of Master’s programmes by implementing various measures to welcome international students. To this end, inbound mobility scholarships are available, specifically designed for Graduate Schools.

These scholarships aim to attract and support international students who wish to join our Master’s programmes, giving them the opportunity to receive a quality education and fully integrate into our academic community.

Through these initiatives, we hope to enhance diversity and cultural enrichment within our institutions, while providing students with a rewarding and internationally recognised educational experience.


Florence CLOPPET


  • Yvonne BECHERINI
    Representative of the Data Intelligence Institute of Paris (diiP) 
  • Florence CLOPPET
    Director of the Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
    Professor of Computer Science at Université Paris Cité
    Academic Vice-President of Valconum
    Co-responsible for the Master’s degree in BioMedical Engineering – BioImaging (BIM)
  • Benoît CRABBÉ
    Representative of the Faculty of Societies and Humanities
    Head of the Master in Computational Linguistics
  • Anne-Sophie JANNOT
    Representative of the Faculty of Health
    Co-responsible for the Master’s degree in Massive Data in Health
  • Pavlos MORAITIS
    Representative of the Faculty of Sciences
    Head of the Master in Distributed Artificial Intelligence

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