Quand :
16 January 2023 – 20 January 2023 Jour entier
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Université Paris Cité campuses
Welcome Week:  Welcome International Students! @ Université Paris Cité campuses

Launched in October 2021, the Welcome Week is Université Paris Cité’s annual event to support and facilitate the onboarding of its new incoming international students.
Two one-week sessions are organised twice a year, in October and January, to meet and greet international students who will be joining the university for a semester.

International students interested in this event will be contacted directly by email.


Monday January 16th afternoon – between 1:30PM and 6PM

Guided tours around Paris by Feminists in the City – 6 possible visits in French and English

Tuesday January 17th morning – from 9AM to 11:30AM

Presentation on the French University System, Accommodation and Contacts Intervention by the Guichet Etudiant department

Wednesday January 18th afternoon – between 3PM and 4PM

Guided tour of the Foire Foraine d’Art Contemporain exhibition at the Centquatre – 2 possible visits (one in English, one in French)

Thursday January 19th morning – from 10h30AM to 12h30PM

  • Presentations on Student Life and Campus Life in France
  • Interventions by the Student Health Centre, French as a Foreign Language professors and Equalities Mission representatives

Friday January 20th

  • From 9AM to 11AM : open to non-European students: Explanation of the French Healthcare system and registration procedures for the French social security system
  • From 2PM to 3PM, dedicated to European students: Explanation of the French Healthcare system and using the International Health European Card
  • From 6PM to 9PM: Closing event – Welcome Party

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Support Female Entrepreneurship with Circle U.

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[Circle U. ] Apply for the Summer Schools

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[Circle U. Photo Contest] “Climate from All Angles”

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