Quand :
27 January 2023 @ 9 h 30 min – 13 h 30 min
Où :
Cité Universitaire
Fondation Victor Lyon 29 Bd Jourdan
75014 Paris
[Circle U. ERIA- Roundtable] Cooperation in Research: Imagining New Ways of Doing Research @ Paris

Co-funded by the European Commission under the Horizon2020 SwafS programme and launched in 2021, the Circle U. ERIA project steers initiatives aiming to strengthen research collaboration and innovation within the Circle U. university alliance. The ERIA team invites you to two roundtables to discuss the different opportunities offered by European university alliances.

Circle U. brings together: Université Paris Cité, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, King’s College, London, UCLouvain, University of Oslo, Aarhus University, University of Belgrade, University of Pisa and University of Vienna.

After more than a year since its launch, the Circle U. ERIA project has already resulted in concrete actions for research collaboration within our Alliance universities. Looking ahead, we will meet for two roundtables to discuss the different opportunities offered by European university alliances.

Target Audience

  • Admin staff working in Research Support & Academics
  • Ph.D. students, Post-Doc, Research staff
  • from our universities and others, as well as organization involved in the European Research Space


27 january 2023

Cooperation in Research: Imagining New Ways of Doing Research  

Location:  Cité Universitaire Internationale Paris, Fondation Victor Lyon 29 Bd Jourdan, 75014 Paris

09:30 – 10:00 (CET)


10:00 – 10:15


Antoine Cazé, Vice-president International, Université Paris Cité.

Elizabeth Macintyre, Circle U. ERIA Academic Coordinator, Professor, Université Paris Cité.

David Sitbon, Circle U. ERIA coordinator, Université Paris Cité.

10:15 – 11:00

Round Table 1

Presenting Circle U. ERIA’s tools for European collaboration in
interdisciplinary research, support to early-career researchers and linking science and society

Facilitator: Kevin Guillaume, Secretary-General of Circle U.


Jonathan Weitzman, Circle U. Lead, Professor Université Paris Cité.

Alexandra Buha  Djordjevic, Circle U. Knowledge Hub on Global Health Chair, Professor Univerzitet u Beogradu.

Ludivine Breger, Circle U. Lead, SMARTS-UP Graduate Schools Project Manager, Université Paris Cité.

Nigel Eady, Circle U. Lead, Head of Researcher Training and Development, King’s College London (online).

11:00 – 11:30


11:30 – 12:15

Round Table 2

Future opportunities in research collaboration in the context of the European Universities Alliances

Facilitator: Elizabeth Macintyre, Circle U. ERIA Academic Coordinato, Professor Université Paris Cité.


Herve Bourhy,  Director of the Global Health Department, Professor at Institut Pasteur.

Åse Gornitzka, Pro-Rector, Université d’Oslo

Alexander Hasgall, Head of the EUA Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE)

Catherine Tostain Desmares, Head of European Research Development at AP-HP and EUHA member

Philippe Delaporte, Vice Rector for Research at Aix-Marseille and Coordinator of RIS4CIVIS project

12:15 – 12:30


Marta Truco-Calbet, Project adviser, European Research Executive Agency (REA) (online).




Register here  Contact us by e-mail at circleu.iro@u-paris.fr

Join us on live streaming. Click here

Circle U. Project Team iro@u-paris.fr
David Sitbon
Download the programme

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