Understand corporate strategy by learning about the consulting profession and by practicing strategic case studies
Résumé de la formation
The course aims to present the most advanced techniques in the field of corporate strategy today, and to enable doctoral students to make a career out of it if they so wish.
The aim is not to limit corporate strategy to a purely academic field, but to place it in a broader context: that of the market, its players and stakeholders. On the other hand, knowing the strong need of PhD students for concrete support in their professional choices and the feasibility of their project, I have chosen to include the theme of employment in this sector of strategy so that each interested participant can concretely set up his or her recruitment process after the thesis if he or she so wishes. If their project is different, they will still be able to apply the techniques presented to their own professional project.
We’ll start with an introduction to the fundamentals of strategy, and present the profession of those who today define, implement and adapt corporate strategies: consultants.
Secondly, we will put strategic concepts into practice by simulating real-life company case studies, enabling us to identify a company’s strategic challenges, based on its culture, resources, processes, organization and competitive environment.
Thirdly, we’ll learn how to communicate a complex message using the storyline techniques used by strategy consultants. We’ll take a look at each step in conveying a strategic message to employees, decision-makers, customers or partners. We’ll put into practice the storyboarding techniques used in a job interview presentation, as this is the application that will concern all PhD students at the end of their thesis.
Finally, we’ll explain in concrete terms how to take on these kinds of responsibilities as a PhD graduate, whether in corporate strategy, external or internal consulting positions, describing each step to facilitate the PhD student’s career path.
Please note: if the doctoral student does not wish to take up this type of position, the course is designed so that the content presented in modules 2, 3 and 4 can be applied whatever the professional project after the thesis.La motivation de la formation est double :
- In today’s fast-changing business world, where new technologies are redefining markets, companies and professions, understanding the importance of strategy is essential if we are to keep pace with change, rather than being overwhelmed by it.
- Positions with strategic responsibility, such as those offered by consulting firms, in-house consultants or in corporate strategy, are increasingly open to PhDs.
- The consulting professions offer attractive and rewarding career prospects for PhDs, whether they have a degree in the humanities or in the “hard” sciences.
- The analytical skills and autonomy of young PhDs are sought after by consulting firms and in strategic corporate positions.
- We should also mention the strong recruitment prospects in this sector, highlighted here. (https://www.studyrama.com/emploi/premier-emploi/secteurs-qui-recrutent/audit-conseil-opportunites-jeunes-diplomes)
The course is structured around 4 modules:
- Module 1: Understanding the fundamentals of corporate strategy and its actors
- Module 2: Learn about corporate strategy by practicing strategic case studies
- Module 3: Communicating like a strategy consultant, theory and practice
- Module 4: Working in corporate strategy after your PhD
Formateurs et formatrices
Victor Haïm Mamou, docteur en Sciences Physiques, ancien directeur des programmes internationaux au sein d’une ONG accréditée auprès des Nations Unies.
- Email (contact pédagogique): mamou.victor@gmail.com
Informations pratiques
La formation se tiendra du 02/09/2021 au 09/09/2021 sur le campus des Grands Moulins.
2 jours
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