Supported by Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir, France 2030 (ANR-20-SFRI-0013), the SMARTS-UP project is pleased to welcome you to our first Hackathon on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th June! This Hackathon is open to all Master and PhD students belonging to Graduate Schools.

Come and think about the future of the university and be part of tomorrow’s solutions!
Université Paris Cité is organising a Hackathon for the Graduate Schools’Master and PhD students! The objective of the Hackathon is to get students to think about the creation of digital tools for universities, which they themselves will use. Indeed, students are the most likely to think, build and realise this project since they are the first ones concerned and have a precise knowledge of the needs.
This event aims to train students in innovation methods and to create synergies through the composition of interdisciplinary teams. It promotes collective intelligence, inspires and empowers students to explore new ways of learning and contributing to science and society.
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