Deadline : 20/10/2020
IEEE, the world’s largest professional organization dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity, seeks for a diverse range of nominees for the TCCLD Award Announcement. Apply before the 10th of October. Details on the awards and the nomination process are available on the IEEE Cloud Computing website.
- TCCLD Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award.
TCCLD Outstanding Ph.D. thesis award is presented to a researcher whose Ph.D. thesis has the potential of a very high impact in cloud computing or gives direct evidence of such an impact. Only a Ph.D. degree obtained in 2019/2020 is considered for this award.
Chair: Prof. Xiaochun Cheng . Email: x.cheng@mdx.ac.uk
- TCCLD Rising Star Award (within 5 years of receiving Ph.D degree)
It recognizes outstanding young scientists and engineers who have demonstrated exceptional capabilities and made a significant contribution to the field of cloud computing. Only candidates who receive their Ph.D. within 5 years are eligible.
Chair: Prof. Ling Liu. Email: ling.liu@cc.gatech.edu
- TCCLD Research Innovation Award.
Anyone or one group of collaborators whose outstanding technical innovations are in the field of cloud computing. The contributors must have a long-term impact on advancing the theory and practice in cloud computing.
Chair: Prof. Yo-Ping Huang Email: yphuang@ntut.edu.tw
- TCCLD Outstanding Leadership Award
This award recognizes one individual for her/his outstanding leadership contributions in the field of cloud computing. Also, the outstanding contributions in the application of cloud computing which affect and improve global business and help organizations and individuals are considered.
Chair: Prof. Beniamino Di Martino. Email: beniamino.dimartino@unicampania.it
- TCCLD Outstanding Service Award
This award recognizes one individual who has outstanding services to building the cloud computing community with significant and persistent volunteer efforts, such as services to IEEE TCCLD activities worldwide, annual related events.
Chair: Martin Gilje Jaatun. Email: martin.g.jaatun@sintef.no
- TCCLD Women in Cloud Computing Award
It recognizes women leaders who have made outstanding, influential, and potentially long-lasting contributions in the field of cloud computing and solve real problems.
Chair: Prof. YuanYuan Yang. Email: yuanyuan.yang@stonybrook.edu
- TCCLD Impact Award
It recognizes senior researchers or educators for her/his significant/distinguished contribution in the field of cloud computing.
Chair: Prof. Christophe Cérin. Email: c.cerin@computer.org.
Eligible applicants
- The TCCLD members. Join TCCLD Now
- Qualified candidates except for the IEEE TCCLD chairs, TCCLD executive committee members, and the past IEEE TCCLD awardees.
- Nominees that have not been recognized for the TCCLD award will be reviewed with higher priority.
- In terms of the TCCLD Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award, the Ph.D. degree should have been obtained in 2019/2020.
Nomination Process
- Anyone in the field can nominate one person. Self-nominations are not accepted.
- Nominations should include a proposed citation (up to 25 words), a detailed statement to justify the nomination (500 words or less), and personal/team web page URL of the nominee.
- Two supporting letters are required for each nomination. The letters should address the significance of the contributions cited in the nomination.
- Nominations that did not result in an award can be resubmitted or updated in subsequent years.
- The Awards Committee will evaluate all nominations and decide on zero or more winners for each award category.
Important Dates
- Oct. 20: Nomination due
- Nov. 20: Selection results. (Internal)
- Nov. 30: Announcement of Winners (Web & CloudCom 2020) CloudCom 2020
Submission Link
All nominations should be sent through the following link. All the files should be merged into one PDF file. The submission link is as follow.
Note: If you require further information, feel free to contact ieeetccld@gmail.com
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