Masters Projects
@Computer Science
#Visual counterfactual explanations
#Diffusion Models
#Identification of subtle phenotypes
Project Summary
to be updated
Valerie Mezger
Projects in the same discipline

OpenStreetMap and Sentinel-2 data for the production of environmental indices for demographic studies
2023Masters Projects@Computer Science +Demography #Remote sensing#Demography#Deep learning#Sentinel 2#OpenStreetMap#Local climate zones#Africa Project Summaryto be updated. Sylvain Lobry Projects in the same discipline

Diffusion Models Based Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation to Reveal Subtle Phenotypes
2023Masters Projects@Computer Science +Mathematics/Statistics+Biology+neurodevelopment #Image-to-image translation#Deep generative models#Diffusion models#Subtle Phenotypes#Neurodevelopment Project SummaryUnpaired image-to-image translation methods aim at learning a...

Generalization of a method enabling to update vineyard geographic databases from satellite data
2023Masters Projects@Computer Science +Earth Sciences/Geosciences #image time series analysis#deep learning#optical satellite imagery#agriculture monitoring#crop type mapping#vineyard#VENUS images Project Summaryto be updated. Camille Kurtz Projects in the same...

Deep learning to model genetic pleiotropy to understand the human genetic architecture
2023Masters Projects@Computer Science +Mathematics/Statistics+Biology #Pleiotropy#Deep Learning#Convolutional neural network Project Summaryto be updated. Marie Verbanck Projects in the same discipline