Fake news and conspiracy theories have overwhelmed the media and the public debate. How worried should we be?
The Festival of Ideas (Festival des Idées), a three-day festival held in November, will feature a discussion organised by the diiP on this very topic. Details are available below.

Une version française de cette annonce est disponible sur le site web du Festival des Idées.
Think back to Orwell’s 1984, which predicted that “ignorance is strength”. Already then, we were reminded that information is a major building block of our future. Why does our brain take pleasure in indulging baseless theories? What role do algorithms and big tech companies play in polluting the media? How can artificial intelligence and Big Data help us build a wider base of reliable information?
These questions will be the core of this discussion, which will be held with experts in data science, artificial intelligence, neuroscience and journalism.
- Grégoire Borst, developmental psychology and cognitive neuroscience professor at Université Paris Cité and head of the developmental and educational psychology research lab (LaPsyDé);
- Nathalie Gallet, journalist for France Télévisions;
- Ioana Malonescu, computer science researcher.
Hosting is Sébastien Bohler, editor-in-chief of Cerveau & psycho, author of Le Bug Humain (Robert Laffont, 2019) and Où est le sens ? : les découvertes sur notre cerveau qui changent l’avenir de notre civilisation (Robert Laffont, 2020).
This event took place on November 19th at La Bellevilloise. If you missed it, the replay is available on YouTube.
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