Masters Projects
+Computer Science
#eye movement
#learning disorders
#machine learning
Project Summary
There is a longstanding controversy about the existence of eye movement disorders and their role in dyslexia and school learning disorders. Using REMOBI&AIDEAL innovations the CNRS IRIS Laboratory headed by Zoï Kapoula conducted a critical study in dyslexic and non-dyslexic teenagers. The study confirms intrinsic eye movement disorders particularly of their binocular coordination in dyslexia while testing with the REMOBI embedded device i.e. not related to reading (see Ward & Kapoula, Scientific Reports, Nature, 2020. The present proposal concerns a large scale study at nursery and primary school children (5 to 7 years old). Binocular eye movements will be collected and analyzed to assess and treat preventively eye movement irregularities.
Zoï Kapoula
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