ACM, the ACM Europe Council, and the ATHENA Research and Innovation Center invites students to the 4th ACM Europe Summer School in Data Science. The school will take place in Athens in July 10th-14th, 2023 and has a stellar set of keynote speakers and lecturers.

Students will have the opportunity to attend keynote lectures by Gustavo Alonso (Professor, ETH Zurich), Timos Sellis (Director, Archimedes Unit, Athena RC), and Stratos Idreos (Professor, Harvard University) as well as multi-lecture courses by Angela Bonifati (Professor, Lyon 1 University), Floris Geerts (Professor, University of Antwerp), Nikos Mamoulis (Professor, University of Ioannina), Paolo Papotti (Professor, EURECOM), and Jens Teubner (Professor, TU Dortmund).
Keynotes and courses will cover several forms of data analytics and machine learning addressing different layers of a data science stack, ranging from systems challenges for modern data science to emerging foundational aspects, including the interplay between advanced data processing and machine learning, graph data engines, spatial data analytics, and misinformation detection.
The School is addressed to early-stage researchers, such as graduate (MSc and PhD) students, postdocs, early-career faculty, and other academic and industrial researchers interested in the diverse field of Data Science. Advanced undergraduate students with the appropriate background will be considered as well.
All courses will take place in the Royal Olympic Hotel, which is in front of the famous Temple of Zeus and National Garden, underneath the Acropolis. An interesting and stimulating social program will take advantage of the historical and cultural identity of Athens and complement the technical program of the School.
The application process is now open. Deadline for applying is May 31, 2023.
Attendees will receive an ACM certificate of participation.
Student fees cover part of the tuition costs. The remaining costs (including accommodation, food and beverages during lectures, and social events) are covered by ACM and the school sponsors.
Apply here now!
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