The main issue of the Responsiveness project is that of the transition, adjustment and sensitivity of knowledge to decision in all its forms. Indeed, the English term responsiveness translates a form of responsibility, understood as sensitivity, adjustment and appropriate reaction. It is addressed as much to those who act or speak as to those who are sensitive – or not – to what is done or said.
The project focuses on the knowledge mobilised for the ecological transition (ET). Indeed, the ecological transition is informed by a mass of heterogeneous data and knowledge that need to be adjusted. Similarly, it calls for a transition, not to say a translation of knowledge.

Presentation of the semi-plenary session of the largest humanities network on earth governance: Earth System Governance.
One transition therefore calls for another
This transition is as much about practices, habits and disciplinary productions that need to be adjusted to each other, as it is about their adaptation to the decision or their understanding (sensitivity) by the most heterogeneous audiences. In these three cases, transitions and adaptations that take into account the sensitivity of audiences and contexts are expected at the level of:
- the production of (academic) knowledge,
- decision support, whether for decision-makers with the most varied authorities, or
- for heterogeneous audiences or citizens drawn by lot to form pluralistic assemblies (for instance Climate citizens assemblies) assisted in their reflections by experts from several disciplines.
Constituted in an interdisciplinary manner, the group venture beyond a juxtaposition of knowledge by making explicit the ways of working within each of them. While a certain opacity may remain, it is the conditions of their translation that will interest us, for other disciplines, but also for the decision, whether it is very technical or elaborated by heterogeneous audiences soliciting experts.
The original case of the Citizens’ Climate Convention held at the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (EESC) served both as a field of analysis and as a gateway to see the questions at the heart of the project emerge. Indeed, it is a privileged place to see at work the meeting of science (experts, documents, presentations) and citizenship (both through the presence of citizens, but also through the design of the procedure, inter-institutional relations, but especially the ways of developing land policies from the selected concerns [Kitcher, 2001, 2011; Reber, 2005]).
The analysis of this case makes it possible to identify the difficulties, the possibilities, the conditions of transition of knowledge and its re-appropriation by citizens. Similarly, their exposure to heterogeneous knowledge will allow us to initiate a more explicit reflection on the interdisciplinarity that could be at work, scientific, for decision-making and intended for citizens.
The research is innovative because it is not simply the deliberative dimensions of the Citizens’ Climate Convention that has been analysed, but the more specific problem of the translation or transition of knowledge for reflection and decision, of their articulation, of their possible conflicts (internal or external) that are addressed.
Responsiveness ® focused on three case studies:
- Convention citoyenne pour le climat (2019-2020)
- Conférence citoyenne pour l’Occitanie (sur le Green Deal) (2020)
- Conférence sur le futur de l’Europe (2021-2022), particularly on Environnement, climat, santé working group.
With productions such as : Convention citoyenne pour le climat, premiers résultats de la recherche, Etude d’un dispositif et d’un engagements citoyens, 17 novembre 2020.
Reber Bernard, Responsible Deliberation, between Conversation and Consideration, New York, Wiley, 2023, (280 pages) ; Délibération responsable entre conversation et considération. Conditions d’un grand débat démocratique, Londres, ISTE, 2023 (300 pages).
Courant D. et Reber Bernard (dir.), La Convention citoyenne pour le climat. Démocratie délibérative et transition écologique juste, Londres, ISTE, (17 chapitres ; 390 pages), 2023 ; The French Citizens Convention for Climate. Deliberative Democracy and Just Ecological Transition, à paraitre.
Direction de numéro spécial
Reber Bernard et Buge E., (dir.), Dossier : Le principe de précaution et les innovations démocratiques (6 articles, philosophie, droit, sciences politiques), Archives de philosophie du droit, Tome 62, Paris, Dalloz, 2020, pp. 399-526.
Articles et chapitres d’ouvrages
Reber Bernard, « Ende des Lockdowns für die demokratische Debatte. Grand Débat national und Convention Citoyenne pour le climat« . Frankreich Jahrbuch 2020. Soziale un territoriale Ungleichheiten vor dem Hintergrund der Gelbwestenkrise, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021, Frankreich Jahrbuch.
Giraudet, L-G. et al., »« Co-construction » in deliberative democracy: lessons from the French Citizens’ Convention for Climate« . Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, (2022) 9:27.
Reber Bernard, « Grand débat, Convention citoyenne, Conférence : Trois improvisations autour des systèmes délibératifs », Conférence sur l’Avenire de l’Europe : Et après ?, in Sandro Gozi, Dusan Sidjanski, François Sait-Ouen (dir.), Publications du Centre de Compétences Dusan Sidjanbski en études européennes, Université de Genève, 2022, pp. 29-35. ISBN 978-2-8399-3705-4.
Expert.e auditionné.e pour des rapports
Reber Bernard dans Gillier, D. (rap.), Rapport et recommandations du groupe de retour d’expérience de la Convention citoyenne pour le climat, Conseil économique, social et environnemental, 15 mars 2021.
Reber Bernard in Bernasconi, P., Djaïz, D., Tonon, C., Rétablir la confiance des Français dans la vie démocratique. 50 propositions, rapport, 2022.
Convention citoyenne sur le climat : 149 mesures pour une nouvelle vision de la transition, étude, Développement Durable & Relations Internantionales, 2020.
Reber Bernard, « Tout le monde veut des histoires. La convention citoyenne pour le climat a dû mobiliser bien d’autres capacités communicationnelles pour arriver à une oeuvre collective », Conseil général de l’environnement et du développement durable, Cycle de séminaires sur les récits -de et dans- la transition, Deuxième séminaire, 20 octobre 2020.
Reber Bernard, “Fair ecological transitions: From hybrid mini-publics to a responsive deliberative system”, (with Aarti Gupta Wageningen Uni., James Patterson ERC Grant-Utrecht Uni., Karin Backstrand, Stockholm Uni.), Earth System Governance international conference, Semi-plenary Session, 21 octobre 2022.
Reber Bernard, “Deliberative Climate Politics: from citizens’ assemblies to responsive democratic systems?”, (with Deborah Yashar, Christopher H. Achen, Jan-Werner Müller), Princeton University, 26 octobre 2022.
Reber Bernard, “Well-considered Systems of Responsibilities for Just Ecological Transition”, Global Alliance of Universities on Climate (GAUC), Australian National University, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Imperial College London, Indian Institute of Science, London School of Economics and Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sciences Po, Stellenbosch University, Tsinghua University, University of California, Berkeley, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, University of Tokyo, 30 juin 2021.
Reber Bernard, “When citizens make the Law. France, Europe and Chile: Attempts to involve Citizens in the complexity of Democracy”, Faculdad de Administracion y Economia, Universidad de Santiago de Chile-(USACH), 5 décembre 2022.
Reber Bernard, “Comparision between the French and the Chilean Cases”, Faculté de droit, Universidad Diego Portales, 2 décembre 2022.
Reber Bernard, “The Law at the Risk of Citizens Deliberation: the case of the Convention for Climate”, The Constitutional Convention in Comparative Perspective, Grupo de Investigacion en institucionas politicas, Representacion y participacion de la Facultad de Gobierno y Agenda Constituyente del Centro de Estudios de Conflict y Cohesion social (COES), Universidad del Chile, Santiago de Chile, 1er décembre 2022.
Reber Bernard, « Deliberacion sobre el mejor mundo possible, entre el plutalisma y la precaucion », Ciclo de Conferencias en Eticas aplicadas, Pontificia Universida Catholica de Chile, Santiago del Chile, 29 novembre 2023.
Reber Bernard, “Climate citizens Assemblies: Lessons and Challenges for responsible deliberative Democracy”, Universidad Turcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires, 24 novembre 2022.
Reber Bernard, “Participation and Deliberation between Morality and Politics in a time of Criticism. Le Grand Débat national and the French Citizens Convention for the Climate (2019-2021) … towards Conference for the Future of Europe”, H2020 to Horizon Europe: From Ethical Guidelines to Democratic Practices, New Horizon European Project Final Conference, Wien, 25 mai 2021.
Reber Bernard, « Approche globale des éthiques dans les relations sociétés/nature », « Co-construction des savoirs », Les Prospectives de l’Institut Écologie et Environnement du CNRS, La Rochelle, 12-14 octobre 2022.
Reber Bernard, « Making sense on the road to achieving Sustainable Development Goals », CIVICA Research Conference, Central European University, Budapest Campus, 1-2 septembre 2022.
Reber Bernard, “Concluding remarks”, High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2022, Side Event Youth as the driving force for change after COVID-19: Conference on the Future of Europe and other participatory methods, OCDE, European Presidency, 7 juillet 2022.
Reber Bernard, “Promises of citizen’s deliberation to tackle the deficit? Return on the French citizens convention for the climate”. RELAY kick-off conference, ‘Europa’, how will you tackle the main challenges you are facing? Spreading and relating EU affairs beyond the EU institutions (RELAY), Maastricht University, UM Campus Bruxelles, 4 décembre 2020.
Reber Bernard, Blanc Nathalie, « La convention citoyenne pour le climat : « une expérience inédite vue du Ciel » », Séminaire Atelier interdisciplinaire des recherches sur l’Environnement (AIRE), Sciences Po, 28 septembre 2020.
Reber Bernard, “Zeitenwende – auch für die Demokratie ? Ein Demokratilabor », Hannover, Evangelische Akademie, Loccum, 14-15 novembre 2022.
Reber Bernard, « Bürgerräte und die Zukunft der Demokratie – Französische Erfahrungen und deutsche Prespektive im Dialog”, Veranstaltung des IZKT der Universität Stuttgart und des Institut français Stuttgart, 23 mai 2022.
Reber Bernard, “Evaluating citizen Engagement in policy-making : Towards guidelines”, Joint Research Center, Bruxelles, 16 mai 2022.
Reber Bernard, « Grand débat, Convention citoyenne, Conférence : trois improvisations autour des système délibératifs », Conférence sur l’Avenir de l’Europe. Et après ?, Global studies Institute, Université de Genève, 30 mai 2022.
Reber Bernard, Blanc Nathalie, « Covid-19 vs Convention citoyenne pour le climat : le choc des légitimités », Nouvelles fractures pandémiques Covid-19 et résilience démocratique, Cevipof, Larca, Paris, 9-10 décembre 2021.
Reber Bernard, “The French Citizens Convention for the Climate. From the Lab towards Deliberative and Responsible System”, Politics, Economy and Agency in the Anthropocene, Cambridge University-Science Po, Paris, 28 juin 2021.
Reber Bernard, “Lessons and Improvements for Deliberations”, international seminar, “Comparison between the recent Citizens Assemblies on the Climate”, Cambridge University, Sciences Po, 12 juin 2021.
La Réunion
Reber Bernard, « De la citoyenneté critique à la considération démocratique », Hybridation politique des mouvements sociaux et démocratie : Stratégies de représentation, délibération et participation des acteurs, Université de La Réunion, CNDP, Centre des politiques de la terre, CEVIPOF, 19-20 octobre 2021.
Reber Bernard, « Les promesses démocratiques. Quels échos malgaches du Grand débat national (2019) et de la Convention citoyenne pour le climat (2019-2021) ? », 10 ans de l’Institut d’études politiques, Antananarivo, 7 avril 2021.
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