
Social Assistance
Adjusting to student life may come with some hurdles; assistance is available to make your daily life easier !
Université Paris Cité, CROUS, IDF Region and CAF can help you overcome difficult personal, family, social or material situations. We are here to provide you advice on:
- Social and food aid/distributions
- Obtaining residence permits for international students
- House hunting
- Appointments with CROUS social workers

Digital tools
Having digital difficulties? On social criteria, Université Paris Cité offers computer loans. The IDF Region also offers assistance for digital equipment for baccalaureate students with a 2021 scholarship.

Financial aid
Université Paris Cité and CROUS social workers are available to give you personalised support on a confidential basis, whatever the challenges you maybe encountering.
Université Paris Cité aims to promote access for international students who wish to undertake their academic studies at the master’s level and for those pursuing research projects at the doctoral level. We offer several types of scholarship programmes. The criteria and eligibility requirements for each programme may be different depending on your situation.
Many scholarship programmes for international mobility also exist.
Browse the directory of scholarship programmes
Crous social workers
CROUS social workers can help students overcome difficult personal, family, social or material situations.
Their missions include:
- Helping students who experience social, family or personal difficulties
- Restoring social contact for students facing isolation or social exclusion
- Supporting their study projects
- Promoting access to rights and referring to university services (SSU, orientation services, etc.) and external partners, and establishing a connection between CROUS services and the university
- Processing financial assistance applications
University support & assistance
Any student of Université Paris Cité, French or international, whether or not a scholarship recipient, who is experiencing specific difficulties, may receive assistance and support from the Student Life department.
A small social assistance commission meets approximately every month and a half to consider the various applications that are submitted.

Equality & diversity
Victims of gender-based and sexual violence
Are you a victim or witness of sexist or sexual violence or discrimination based on your origin, sexual orientation, appearance, real or supposed religion, etc.?
You can contact our partner, the association Women Safe, to benefit from free and anonymous multidisciplinary support (psychological, legal, medical) in case of gender-based and sexual violence.
The Women Safe program includes:
- A first contact by phone or email,
- An appointment, followed by an interview,
- Depending on the situation, referral to a doctor, a psychologist, a lawyer and social support,
- Follow-up and long-term support of the situation until it is resolved,
Specific support and follow-up for medical, psychological, social and legal procedures outside the ISG.
A dedicated team
Advisors – at the central office and in the faculty – will help you implement actions in favor of equality and diversity. Do not hesitate to contact the Equality-Diversity team!

Cultural tips
There are very often hidden aspects of a culture that may not seem obvious that are discovered only after staying in the country for an extended period of time. Below are a handful of tips to help you navigate through the cultural adjustment.

Getting around Paris
Spread over some 14 campuses and research facilities, Université Paris Cité boasts an exceptional heritage of historic buildings and campuses, located within Paris and the surrounding suburban areas, easily accessible through public transportation. Paris, a vibrant city, offers students different ways to get around, here is all you need to know.