Get involved

Student Involvement
Within the Bodies
All students at Université Paris Cité have the opportunity to participate in the democratic life within the various bodies (central, faculty, components, CROUS). Becoming involved in university life is an enriching experience and a form of citizenship training. To find out more, contact your student representatives.
Within an Association
Université Paris Cité recognizes and encourages its students to become volunteers. Volunteering is a great way to enhance your experience, by meeting new people, making a difference, gaining employability skills and opening up to new perspectives. You can gain recognition for the time spent as a volunteer as part of the Student Engagement free unit of study. This commitment must be secular, voluntary and civic or solidarity-based. The expected time commitment is 30 hours per semester.
Helping Students with Disabilities
Depending on your skills and your schedule, you can provide assistance with note-taking, reading sessions, tutoring, accompaniment to the library, etc. This tutoring is carried out within the framework of a student contract or a free EU commitment.

Tutoring and Mentoring
At Université Paris Cité, numerous support services are available to students in need of guidance and assistance. Among them, mentoring, a peer support programme that serves both mentors and mentees.
International Students
For up to one semester, students can become a mentor to an international exchange student. Their missions are to:
- explain how the university works
- provide learning and logistical support
- communicate and guide various cultural events on and off campus
The student associations offer tutoring and/or mentoring to new students at Université Paris Cité. Join them!
Helping Students in Health
If you would like to get involved with PASS and LAS students, participate in the pre-release period, write mock exams, be present at orientation fairs or in student welfare projects, do not hesitate to contact the A2SUP association.
Helping Students in the Sciences
- Chemistry: Nanopotes
- School of Engineering: BDE EIDD
- Mathematics, Miashs, Mathematics-Computer Science (Grands Moulins): Math’Rix
- Mathematics and Computer Science (Saint-Germain-des-Prés): MIBDE
- Physical Measurements: La Démesure
- Physics, CUPGE: Phisis
- Biomedical sciences: Amicale Paris Sciences – APS
- Earth, environmental and planetary sciences: Atlas
- Life Sciences, Computer Science-Life Sciences: SciVi
Helping Students in Humanities and Social Sciences
- Law, Economics and Management: BDEM
- Psychology (Boulogne site): Adepsy
- Psychology (Grands Moulins campus): Collectif Psy Diderot
- IUT de Paris Pajol: BDE général IUT – Fabulous
- Geography, History, Economy and Society: Geomie
- Sociology (Grands Moulins campus) : Socio P7
- Letters, Arts and Cinema: Lettre Aimé and CinéSept

Become an Ambassador
Your Missions
- Participate in a forum, a workshop or a meeting
- Share your student experience with high school students
- Make the link between high school and university by participating in half-day discovery sessions for students in the presence of a teacher