Steering and monitoring the HRS4R action plan


The HRS4R action plan for 2025-2030 will be steered by a committee that will meet once a quarter. This committee will review the progress of the action plan, make any adjustments based on feedback from the head of the operational committee (see below), and produce an annual monitoring and progress report. The steering committee will be composed as follows:

  • Vice-President for Research;
  • Vice-President for Human and Financial Resources;
  • Student Vice-President;
  • Adjoint General Director of Services (DGSA) for Academic Affairs;
  • Adjoint General Director of Services for Resources;
  • A representative from each Faculty (Health, Science, Social Sciences & Humanities);
  • A representative of the IPGP.


An operational committee, chaired by the Vice-President for Resources, will be established to oversee the implementation of actions by the
designated leaders and to report to the steering committee. Comprising all action leaders, this committee will be responsible for monitoring progress throughout the two main phases, identifying any challenges, and, when necessary, proposing adjustments for arbitration. Additionally, for specific actions, the committee may choose to set up working groups, bringing together faculty members, researchers, doctoral students, domain experts, and representatives of trade unions.

In addition, the steering committee will be supported by the coordination office chaired by the Vice-President of the Administration Council and composed of the Vice-Presidents responsible for the university’s various master plans or action plans, as well as the General Directorate of Services.

This coordination office plays a central role in ensuring the coherence of the institution’s strategic projects, and its main mission is to guarantee that decisions taken at the political and strategic level are fully aligned with the institution’s overall objectives. This will ensure that annual reporting of coordinated monitoring to the management committee, as well as to bodies such as the Social Administration Council (CSA), the Academic Senate, and the Administration Council, is done in order to maintain institutional transparency and cohesion in the implementation of the various projects.