In March 2024, Université Paris Cité and the University of Toronto launched a first call for projects enabling the development of joint education, mobility and research activities. Open to all disciplines and fields of research, it aimed to provide initial support to catalyze deeper collaboration. Both partners are delighted with the initial results!

Photo credit University of Toronto
The University of Toronto has nine fully affiliated teaching hospitals and an international learning network of over 160 institutional partners. It is ranked number one in Canada and 26th worldwide in the latest edition of the Shanghai World University Rankings, published at the end of August 2024.
According to Antoine Kouchner, VP International Relations at Université Paris Cité, “The University of Toronto and Université Paris Cité are very similar. They have campuses in the heart of the city and cover the same disciplines. Our partnership is off to a strong start, with a very promising research component. I hope it will also be followed by academic exchanges.”
A Long-term partnership
In the long term, the agreement between our two institutions will amplify the links that already exist between certain faculties of the two universities, and position Université Paris Cité as an active participant in the wide-ranging collaboration between France and Canada.
The success of this first call for joint projects was very high. A total of 25 applications were submitted jointly by UPCité and UoT (including 8 Health projects, 8 SH projects, and 9 Science projects). The joint evaluation committee selected 5 projects.
The overall funding envelope for this call included €50,000 from Université Paris Cité and C$75,000 from the University of Toronto. Projects will be funded for a maximum period of 18 months, from September 2024 to February 2026.
Selected Projects
PI UPCité/University of Toronto
Faculty of Health
Mitochondrial Gene Risk in Psychiatric Disorders: A Transatlantic Educational and Research Collaboration
Biology of bone fracture in forensic cases: investigating the cellular mechanisms underlying fracture repair to determine time since injury
Faculty of Sciences
Investigating the role of omega-3 fatty acid DHA synthesis in the hypothalamus on the nervous control of energy balance, in normal and obese mice
Faculty of Humanities and social sciences
Possibility Reasoning: Logic, Language and Cognition
Bénédicte MENEZ and Barbara SHERWOOD-LOLLAR
Prebiotic chemical reactions feeding rock-eating microorganisms in the deep Earth
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