Scientific Cooperation
Université Paris Cité’s research teams have developed a strong network of international scientific cooperation in Europe and North America.

Oxford University
Partner of Université Paris Cité
Main partners in Europe and North America
Measured by the number of co-authored publications (Web of Sciences 2012-2016), the top 6 partner institutions and universities in Europe are:
Max Planck, Germany
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientifiques, Spain
Oxford, Great Britain
Cambridge, Great Britain
Manchester, Great Britain
Heidelberg, Germany
The main partners in North America in terms of number of publications (Web of Sciences 2012-2016) are the following 6 universities:
Harvard, United States
Toronto, Canada
Stanford, United States
McGill, Montreal, Canada
Berkeley, United States
MIT, United States
A global cooperation network: CNRS, Inserm, IRD and IPGP
Université Paris Cité relies on the privileged partnerships established by USPC in recent years with CNRS, Inserm and IRD around the world.
With the CNRS, nearly 30 associated international laboratories (LIA) and joint international mixed units (UMI) with the new university, mainly in biology, physics and mathematics, in the European Research Area, Asia and Latin America.
With INSERM, 4 associated international laboratories (LIA) with the major international universities of New York, New Delhi and Beijing and 1 European laboratory associated with the University of Fribourg in Switzerland.
The stations of the vast seismological, volcanological and magnetic observation networks of the international observatories of the Institut de physique du globe de Paris are located all over the world.