Laboratories of excellence

Since 2011 and 2012, as part of the investment programme for the future (P.I.A.), the French government has been supporting LabEx, which brings together research teams with international visibility who have chosen to join forces to develop ambitious scientific projects, playing on an equal level with their foreign counterparts, building an integrated research, training and development policy, but also welcoming students and high-level researchers.

Université Paris Cité has 8 of them.

LabEx Inflamex

The LabEx EFL – Empirical Foundations of Linguistics

The laboratory of excellence “Empirical Foundations of Linguistics” (EFL) constitutes its uniqueness in the fact that linguistics plays a key role in today’s world. It contributes to the development of a multilingual information society, to the preservation of linguistic diversity and supports education through the understanding of language acquisition processes.

Directeur : Christian Puech (Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3)
> Établissements USPC : Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, Inalco, Paris 13, Paris Descartes, Paris Diderot, CNRS
> Site web :

The Gr-Ex LabEx – Biogenesis and Pathologies of the Red Blood Cell

GR-Ex is a national network, centralized and led by USPC, which aims to revitalize and strengthen red blood cell research in France. It develops collaborations between previously fragmented teams to create new interfaces and new approaches, not only in terms of treatment, but also in terms of diagnostic tests, imaging and biophysical measurements.

Directeur : Olivier Hermine (Paris Descartes)
> Établissements : Paris Descartes, Paris Diderot, CNRS, Inserm
> Site web :

The ICCA LabEx – Cultural Industries and Artistic Creation

The digital world is now an indispensable medium for our social interactions. It enables the rapid mobilization of entire communities and the dissemination of information with unprecedented efficiency. The impact of this revolution is particularly notable in the arts industries. ICCA is pioneering and deepening our study of these changes.

Directeur : Bertrand Legendre (Paris 13)
> Établissements : Paris 13, Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, Paris Descartes, CNRS
> Site web :

The ImmunoOnco LabEx

The teams at Labex ImmunoOnco contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms of the effectiveness of chemotherapies or vaccinations, to identify the processes of programmed cell death or to decode the genetic programming of our immune response to cancers. All of this opens the way to remarkable applications in all medical fields related to cancer, and even beyond, which motivates many pharmaceutical companies to collaborate with LabEx scientists.

Directeur : Guido Kroemer (Paris Descartes)
> Établissements : Paris Descartes, Inserm

The Inflamex LabEx

The LabEx Inflamex encompasses fundamental studies such as computer modeling of inflammation as well as highly practical research such as the study of the progression of inflammatory diseases such as cystic fibrosis. In addition, the LabEx lays the necessary foundations for future research, by creating cohorts of patients who can be mobilised for future studies, by creating a new Master’s degree to train the researchers of tomorrow or by setting up a structure for dialogue between researchers and industrialists: Inflamexpôle.

Directeur : Renato Monteiro (Paris Diderot)
> Établissements : Paris Diderot, Paris 13, Paris Descartes, CNRS, Inserm
> Site web :

LabEx SEAM – Science and Engineering for Advanced Materials

The technologies around us are increasingly based not only on the composition of materials, but also on their physical configuration on a scale too fine to use traditional tools. Therefore, to meet the scientific and technological challenges that lie ahead, deep developments are needed in materials science. SEAM mobilizes the expertise of world-class teams and state-of-the-art equipment to meet these needs.

Co-Directeurs : Brigitte Bacroix (Paris 13), Christian Ricolleau (Paris Diderot)
> Établissements : Paris 13, Paris Diderot, CNRS
> Site web :

The UnivEarthS LabEx

The LabEx UnivEarthS is positioned in an immensely vast temporal perspective: from the big bang to the prediction of the evolution of the cosmos, through the formation of the Earth and its evolution in past eons, all without forgetting the seismic or gravitational variations it is undergoing today. The rest of the Universe is not forgotten; Titan, for example, is the focus of a climatic and geological study thanks to the Labex.

Co-Directeurs : Marc Chaussidon (Institut de physique du globe de Paris) et Antoine Kouchner (Paris Diderot)
> Établissements : IPGP, Paris Diderot, CNRS
> Site web :

LabEx Who Am I?

Who Am I? is an ambitious program that applies a holistic approach to a vast and protean concept: identity. This concept extends from fundamental biology (identity and cellular differentiation, genetic identity,) to medicine (transplantation and rejection, symbiotic relationships) and to psychoanalysis or philosophy (construction of the individual, loss or constitution of identity). An interdisciplinary subject by excellence, identity requires a network approach and the construction of new alliances.

Co-Directeurs : Catherine Dargemont (CNRS), Jonathan Weitzmann (Paris Diderot)
> Établissements : Paris Diderot, Paris Descartes, CNRS, Inserm
> Site web :



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Université Paris Cité at APAIE 2025 in India

Université Paris Cité at APAIE 2025 in India

Université Paris Cité will be attending the 2025 edition of APAIE (Asia-Pacific Association for International Education), a leading event in global higher education. This year's event takes place in New Delhi, India, and brings together academic institutions and...